It lets countless adolescent have no appetite for food, bedraggled and normal school work.
Paul had arrested countless men like this one before and was expecting a clean, quick job.
And if the firmament of the blame countless Chang Wang Mou, desolately natural laden tears.
However, I can lift a countless pebbles, the accumulation of National Cheng Kung University.
但我能搬起无数的小石子, 积累成大。
Lanterns of various shapes and sizes are hung in the streets, attracting countless visitors.
Face countless different nature of the aquarium will vary with the spray transfer or long stay.
Countless meteoroids will be sent hurtling into the Earths atmosphere at 69 kilometres a second.
Countless meteoroids will be sent hurtling into the Earths atmosphere at 71 kilometres a second.
Teshima offers countless tips on how to plan a wardrobe that lets you look smart and carry less.
Yellow River flows through Shanxi, giving birth to countless heroes and people with lofty ideals.
Many of the goals we want to achieve have already been achieved by countless numbers of other people.
Full bodied, intense with the countless layers of flavour including blackcurrant, cedar and graphite.
有黑加仑, 雪松, 石墨的丰富层次。
The countless meetings and eight coffee and smoke breaks that contravene this rule must be cancelled.
This complete, unabridged edition promises to captivate countless new readers with its timeless appeal.
由此, 也可以窥见作家对自然, 纯朴天性的热情召唤。
It falls to our generation to fulfill the great aspirations cherished by countless martyrs in the past.
There are countless people who, ever since their early years, have learned to associate snails with food.
You have bestowed on us countless blissful moments after enlightenment and the courage to face adversity.
As an ancient capital of three dynasties, there are countless cultural relics distributing on the ground.
北京作为三朝古都, 地面文化遗迹无数。
The gibbons cry unending from the two banks, the fragile craft has already passed the countless mountains.
两岸猿声啼不住, 轻舟已过万重山
Countless thousands of the enslaved the peasants are striking down the enemies who battened on their flesh.
Full melons and fruits of vulture, the pellet are plump in work, aesthetic feeling of having countless rich fruits.
Generally speaking, eunuchs in the Ming dynasty believed in Buddhism and had countless contacts with Buddhist monks.
明代宦官普遍信奉, 与佛教僧团也有广泛的交往结纳。
There will be a countless number of Assyrian casualties, dead bodies without count. People are stumbling over dead people all over the city.
将会有数不清的伤亡人数, 人们都只能在死人堆里行走。
Appear idyllic.Vulture full melons and fruits , Tabasco etc. , the pellet are full in work, aesthetic feeling of having countless rich fruits.
作品中雕满了瓜果, 辣椒等, 颗粒饱满, 有硕果累累之美感。
As the idiom goes, a man of true worth attracts admiration. He has been a teacher all his life, and has won love and respect from the countless students he has taught.