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单词 cottage 例句大全,用单词cottage造句:

The cottage is very old and the sanitary arrangements leave a lot to be desired.
这间小屋非常冷, 而且卫生设施也不尽人意。
The mountains, adorn cottage, thick jungle, and water are mao tai fisherman fishing.
Over the high banks,the cottage roofs and the tops of the bamboo clumps are visible.
Little bridge, murmuring brook, rural cottage, Withered rattan, aged tree, dusk crow.
Over the high banks, the cottage roofs and the tops of the bamboo clumps are visible.
高高的河岸上, 竹林梢头农舍的屋顶隐约可见。
Her cottage had been built many years ago for the sole purpose of attracting children.
她的小屋已经盖了很多年, 唯一的目地就是要吸引小孩。
Fungus affecting leaves and stems of wheat. The cottage was smothered in green foliage.
The cottage garden is designed to appear artless, rather than contrived or pretentious.
Translation of my family had a thatched cottage two, house bamboo planted in the south.
Autumn, red bayberry leaves covered with the ground and the cottage, fairy tale picture.
Inside the cottage, there are some towering nanmu trees as well as plum and bamboo groves.
草堂内楠木参天, 梅竹成林, 为赏梅佳处。
Try yogurt with a peach, low fat string cheese with an apple, or cottage cheese and grapes.
试试酸奶的桃子, 低脂奶酪串同一个苹果, 或干酪和葡萄。
A small house or cottage usually having a single story and sometimes an additional attic story.
Scoop nonfat cottage cheese into a cantaloupe or honeydew half, and top with a dash of cinnamon.
The Boxing Day strike versus Fulham at home and a goal at Craven Cottage in November last season.
Image above The focal point of the cottage is the castiron spiral staircase, which we commissioned.
Fayed's aim, it was thought, was to turn Craven Cottage's creaking stands into pricey riverside flats.
法耶德的目标, 它被认为是价格
The cottage, too, was empty and had been swept with a broom, which he had left leaning against the wall.
This place is not a bungalow, or a cottage, or a house, it is neither fish, flesh, nor good red herring.
There was smoke coming from her fathers chimney, but seeing the inside of the cottage made her heart ache.
It is in view of the foregoing that an account has been atempted here of the plan for a cottage scale bakery.
The bead that his tear resembled a string jumps in the spurt on the excommunicate bank of thatched cottage, scroll.
Liu Bei visited the thatched cottage three times and finally succeeded in inviting Zhuge Liang to be his military adviser.
One day, when he was travelling the country disguised as a beggar, he stopped at the cottage of a poor ploughman to ask for food.
The team bounced back from defeat at Craven Cottage and a draw with Wigan Athletic, with that hardfought stalemate at Stamford Bridge.
在输给富勒姆, 逼平维甘之后, 纽卡意外的逼平了切尔西。

单词 cottage 释义

  • 单词释义:(乡间)小屋;村舍  [更多..]



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