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单词 cooper 例句大全,用单词cooper造句:

Cooper, wrestling with these problems, confessed to an angry defeat.
库珀拼命想解决这些问题, 最后不得不怒冲冲地认输。
Wepulling them now And this is the D. B. Cooper case from 30 years ago
现在正在调资料,是30年前迪比库柏 案的资料 吗
Cooper has a leading position in electric products, tools and hardware.
He was having this hot Internet fling with the PE teacher, Miss Cooper.
Henry cooper's chief claim to fame is that he knocked down Mohammed ali.
Im sorry, I must reschedule my appointment with Mr. Cooper on Wednesday.
This endearment indicated the highest degree of delight in the old cooper.
The success of our business reflects the quality and skill of Cooper people.
You may find that there is no strict border between boss and staff in Cooper.
Ningxiang garden near the cemetery He Yingrui Cooper verdant forest, towering.
Obesity is one of the leading causes of accelerated aging, according to Cooper.
按照库柏的看法, 过度肥胖是加速衰老的主要原因之一。
Large pendulous breasts may cause pain due to stretching of Cooper's ligaments.
When Cooper was twenty, his uncle died and a large amount of money came his way.
During the trip, Cooper and I at driving so that neither of us would feel tired.
旅行期间, 库珀和我轮流驾驶, 使我们都不觉得累。
The second officer looks at the passport and asks where Mr. Cooper has come from.
Never a man to admit his literary debts, Cooper himself always resented the label.
库珀从来就不承认受惠于人, 自然一直对这个称号抱有反感。
On days I had no classes attend, I worked as a teaching assistant for Mrs. Cooper.
James Cooper was one of the first American writers who enjoyed international fames.
I to make appointment to see Mr. Cooper. Would you to arrange for a personal interview
Martin came on as a substitute for Cooper only ten minutes before the end of the game.
Known as the Renegade Lunch Lady, Chef Ann Cooper arranged the student chef competition.
由于叛徒午餐夫人, 厨师安库珀已知安排学生厨师竞争。
By courtesy of the trustees of the Tate Gallery, London photograph, A. C. Cooper Ltd.
And, we heard from the boxer Henry Cooper, who fronts the government's winter flu campaign.
而我们听到庚子亨利库珀, 谁战线政府得冬季运动感。
Photo 8 Gentoo and chinstrap penguins look out on a flotilla of small icebergs in Cooper Bay.
Analysis of internal teethed axle and gears at output of drive unit used for continuous cooper rod mill and replacement thereof by domestic ones

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