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单词 coolly 例句大全,用单词coolly造句:

I was surprised to witness how coolly the child gathered himself up.
In the intimate blue light, the violin was glinting serenely coolly.
暧昧的蓝色灯光下, 琴身反射出幽冷的光。
As Wanyne enters, he finds four impassive faces regarding him coolly.
In a year or so, Bem coolly suggests, we may have to agree with the Queen.
I must say, my lord, you take our situation very coolly. Very coolly indeed.
爵爷, 你对于咱们的处境倒是满不在乎的, 我要说, 太不在乎啦。
Promptly and coolly, the nurse handed the instruments to Dr. Chen as he called.
I don't care for such personal conversation, 'she said coolly and managed a frown.
Without losing her temper, she coolly tells Lady Catherine to mind her own business.
The Bath lotion for children can keep your BaBy's skin coolly clean and softly smooth.
儿童浴露, 令宝宝的皮肤爽洁柔润。
The princess received them coolly, but the two older tailors asked for a riddle at once.
Often Jackson coolly let his players play on and work out their problems in the flow of the game.
You are coolly objective about your friends and loved ones and their shortcomings as friends or lovers.
He coolly retraced his steps, removed the blanket from his cell, and triumphantly swung across to safety.
Because of the influence of the marine climate, it is comfortable to live in winter warmly and in summer coolly.
由于海洋性气候的影响, 气候冬暖夏凉, 舒适宜人。
The new variety hand cream can keep the hands of those who regularly do housework coolly clean and softly smooth.
新型护手霜, 令操持家务之手, 爽洁柔润。
Without more ado Barker borrowed a knife from his brigade major and honed it on a carborundum stone as coolly as a butcher.

单词 coolly 释义

  • 单词释义:冷淡地;冷静地;凉爽地;厚颜无耻地  [更多..]



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