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单词 cooperate 例句大全,用单词cooperate造句:

Discussion about the theory of cooperate economy character of agricultural technology association
We hope The Ye Tian Electric Appliances Limited Company become a close partner to cooperate with!
The two organizations have continued to cooperate on the aforementioned Agreement and Arrangement.
Cooperate with control system in order to realize that several dispensers fueling through one pump.
Tianshun hole Shaped net plant is willing to cooperate sincerely with you, and draw up a blueprint.
天顺圆孔异型网厂愿与您真诚合作, 共绘蓝图。
We sincerely welcome friends from all aspects to invest, cooperate and develop for common interests.
竭诚欢迎各界朋友投资合作, 共谋发展大计。
But the present situation is that Li Lan Shizhang suddenly refused to cooperate with Aviation Group.
但目前的情况是, 兰世立突然拒绝了与中航集团合作。
Return what can pass artwork and afforest to cooperate to adorn, change in order to abound colorific.
还可以通过艺术品和绿化的配合来点缀, 以丰富色彩的变化。
Let's know and acquaint with here mutually, mutual help, encourage together, cooperate to win totally.
The Pan Gulf Cooperation should address how countries could cooperate with one another in these areas.
And if the winds cooperate, the remaining pollution that regularly hangs over northern China will blow off.
The State party should also cooperate with other States in eliminating trafficking across national borders.
New Zealand is ready to cooperate with China on East Asia Summit and other multilateral occasions, he noted.
And to show the honestto this cooperate, we've attached our purchase order, please reply after confirmation.
为表示我司诚意, 附件即附上我司的订购单, 还请确认后回复。
To cooperate the Financial Majordomo to check Accounts receivable and Advance Payment at the end of the month.
月末协助财务总监做好应收, 预收款项得核对工作。
To cooperate the Financial Majordomo to check accounts receivable and advance payment at the end of the month.
It pays to create a fair atmosphere in which both males and females cooperate and compete on an equal footing.
You have a disease associated with old age. Please do not worry; you'll be OK if you cooperate with the doctor.
Holding the cooperation principles of mutual benefit and reciprocality, we hope to cooperate with your company.
我们秉持着互利互惠得合作原则, 期望与贵公司合作。
It is essential that Member States assist and cooperate in the arrest and transfer of accused who remain at large.
We will continue to cooperate sincerely with the industry sectors mutual benefit altogether creates magnificently.
我们将一如既往与行业各界真诚合作, 互惠互利, 共创辉煌。
Weihui Machinery is willing to sincerely cooperate with all customers to achieve mutual benefit and create brilliance!
伟辉机械愿与各界客商真诚合作, 互惠互利, 同创辉煌!
Method Fetch and daub it on the hand in right amount, cooperate with the massage of law of health care of hand to absorbing.
Party, administration and labor union cooperate closely, increase the reform step of school internal administrative system control.
Assist Financial Controller in charge of annual audit. Cooperate with external auditors to ensure a successful and smooth annul audit.

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