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单词 coolness 例句大全,用单词coolness造句:

A gust of wind blowing, suddenly a sense of coolness hit the body, whole body hit a shiver.
一阵风吹过, 忽感凉意袭身, 浑身打了一个颤。
The air was fresh and fragrant, giving people a feeling of exceptional coolness and comfort.
The weather was no longer very hot during the day; with evening came a certain soft coolness.
In advertising, white is associated with coolness and cleanliness because it's the color of snow.
The golden winds drove away the hot winds of summer and the white dews of autumn brought coolness
The coolness of the merely beautiful, however, can be supercharged by the sublime or even the numinous.
What Prophecies has are the color of the beauty of coolness, the sorrow of adolescence, and the excellence of art.
Composedness poise coolness indifference lukewarmness disinterest imperturbability unconcern selfpossession apathy.
A drenching shower sweeping away the scorching heat of summer, bringing about fresh coolness and glistening green of tress and grass.
酷热的夏天, 享受一场豪雨和随之而来的凉爽, 清新, 草木苍翠。

单词 coolness 释义

  • 单词释义:冷静;凉快;冷淡;厚颜无耻  [更多..]



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