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单词 bill 例句大全,用单词bill造句:

A bill of exchange must to be accepted by the drawer before it becomes negotiable.
在汇票交成可转换的之前, 受款人必须接受。
Would you please sign the bill and the credit the bill and the credit card receipt.
Bob was able to beat Bill at billiards, but Bill always beat Bob badly at badminton.
By the enclosed protest you will perceive that this bill has been refused acceptance.
The renunciation must be in writing, unless the bill is delivered up to the acceptor.
Rollover The process of repaying one bill by issuing another bill for a similar term.
Bill runs quickly, Jack runs more quickly than Bill, and BoB runs most quickly of all.
We seem to paid for the bill in accordance with the time when made the original contract.
Heavy Bill Militia are superior English garrison troops compared to standard Bill Militia.
If you are tardy in paying your electric bill, there may be a late fee added to your bill.
如果你迟缴电费, 可能你的账单上又会增加迟缴的罚款。
The bill expires, or earlier to refuse acceptance or refusal to pay a refund who were after.
Where an accommodation bill is paid in due course by the accommodated, the bill is discharged.
Unless the contrary appears on the face of the bill, the holder may treat it as an inland bill.
Their deposit only enough for the electricity bill, leaving unpaid the gas, water and cable bill.
An acceptance bill is a more modern form of the bill of exchange in financing international trade.
Discussion on the Valuation with the Bill of Quantities Reserch on tendering of bill of quantities.
should there be the need to hold a bill in abeyance , a report should be made to the house committee
若需暂时搁置法案的研究工作, 应向内务委员会提交报告
The acceptance of a bill is the signification by the drawee of his assent to the order of the drawer.
Article 44 When the payer has accepted the bill, he shall bear the liability of paying it at maturity.
第四十四条付款人承兑汇票后, 应当承担到期付款的责任。
On the Problem of the Bill of Lading Delay and the Suitable Restriction of the Bill of Lading Transfer
Shipment The Date of the Bill of Lading shall be accepted as a conclusive evidence of the date of shipment.
The machine then begins a procedure by which it first makes sure the bill is actual currency and then determines the denomination of the bill.
In the course of deliberation of the bill by the delegations, the bill sponsor shall send representatives to hear comments and answer questions.
A review on the controversy about character of right in rem of bill of lading from the aspect of delivery of cargo without produce of bill of lading
Short changed at a restaurant in Gwanghwamun earlier today. They keep insisting I only gave them a 5,000 won bill instead of a 50,000 won bill. Now I gotta wait for the manager to come back from his lunch break.

单词 bill 释义

  • 单词释义:账单;议案;纸币;节目单;鸟嘴;海报,广告  [更多..]



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