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单词 bide 例句大全,用单词bide造句:

Discussion of the evaluating bide method based on core competence
Otherwise we should rather fall back and carefully bide our time.
With fewer arrows left in its quiver, it will have to bide its time.
由于囊中之箭越来越少, 它只能静候时机。
Certain species are heartier than you suspect. They bide their time.
Humans know how to wait, to bide their time until the story is complete.
They did not bide their time for twenty years engaging in office politics.
Focus Lens Shenzhen to Hong Kong businessmen can bide ones time Wang auction
He decided to bide his time until he got an opportunity to talk to her alone.
And patience, tame to sufferance, bide each cheque, Without accusing you of injury.
让忍耐, 惯了, 接受每一次申斥, 绝不会埋怨你对我损害分毫。
After three years of getting along, me and Bide Da became a mutual trust and respect.
Sellers, meanwhile, are reluctant to lower their prices, preferring to bide their time.
They bide their time, and wait for the chance to come into your dimension and meet you.
他们等待时间, 等待机会进入你们的维度和与你们见面。
The Criticism of Liang ShiqiuTheory of Human Nature and NeoHumanism Bai Bide of American.
Otherwise we should rather fall back and carefully bide our time. I was retired on full pay.
They are still in a minority. But they have learned how to be patient and to bide their time.
他们虽然还是少数, 但已经学会了怎样耐心地等待时机。
So bide your time in office, Mr President. We are not going to allow you to destroy us anymore.
Bide your time and if whoever you are seeing tries to move too fast you should probably take a pass.
If you are not yet called to serve, bide your time as you will not miss your opportunity to do so.
Americas Treasury is willing to bide its time. But its patience is not shared by members of Congress.
If there is an outbreak of fire, but the enemy's soldiers remain quiet, bide your time and do not attack.
火发而其兵静者, 待而勿攻
The Jedi would bide their time, sensing through the Force when the moment was right to oppose the Empire.
绝地们将等待时机, 用原力体察推翻帝国的良机。
He was preeminently cunning, and could bide his time with a patience that was nothing less than primitive.
Bide within the Law you must , in perfect Love and perfect Trust. Live you must and let to live , fairly take and fairly give.

单词 bide 释义

  • 单词释义:等待,停留;居住  [更多..]



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