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单词 beaver 例句大全,用单词beaver造句:

We do not trade in beaver pelts, blankets and gunpowder.
我们不做海狸皮, 毛毯和炮灰的贸易。
Did you know that tarantulas are hunting spiders. Beaver.
I don't have time to talk to you I am as busy as a beaver!
A beaver could not live without his big strong front teeth.
Technique of producing beaver rabbit fur with frost effect.
The beaver dammed the stream with mud, branches and leaves.
海獭用泥土, 树枝和树叶在河里筑水坝。
Which animal is an official symbol of Canada It is the beaver.
Beaver upon the Land and Otter along the coastal waters of the ocean.
Mr. Mole Mr. Beaver must have been very happy to get his wallet back.
So what do Otter and Beaver wish to say to our ascending humans today?
The beaver now being completely up to trap approaches them cautiously.
海狸这一次变精明了, 它很小心地靠近他们。
The kind of construction work a beaver specializes in is truly amazing.
It was the relentless pursuit of beaver that opened the great Northwest.
Being an eager beaver , he sometimes is not well liked by his colleagues.
他做事异常卖力, 有时不受同事喜欢。
Brother's biggest physical characteristic was his two big beaver buckteeth.
Justin Bieber, which I call Justin Beaver Why do you call him Justin Beaver?
The beaver chews down trees to get foodmaterial with which to build its home.
Otter or Beaver are related to the same kingdom, and associated with Squirrel.
The Chief had hold of the sleeve of her beaver coat, but she got away from him.
酋长扯着她的袖子, 但她挣脱了。
shouted Beaver, slapping the ground hard with his big, flat tail. You've got wings.
Messrs. van Kooten and Abbot point to the divergent fates of the sea otter and beaver.
范 库腾和阿伯特以海獭和海狸迥然不同的命运为例。
The beaver was adopted centuries ago as a symbol of which of the folling organizations
海狸在几个世纪前, 被哪个组织选定为标志?
Here is the beaver. And here is the stream , and the aspen and the alder and the willow.
这里是海狸, 这里是水流, 这里则是白杨, 赤杨和柳树。
with aspen trees and alders and willows, near the water. That's the best thing for a beaver.
The tit, building its nest in the mighty forest, occupies but a single twig.The beaver slakes its thirst from the river, but drinks enough only to fill its belly.

单词 beaver 释义

  • 单词释义:河狸;河狸毛皮;[印]海狸绒布;工作勤恳的人  [更多..]



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