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单词 beautify 例句大全,用单词beautify造句:

We also have some nice tuned filters for you to beautify your collages.
You can beautify the drawing room and ample kitchen and bathroom to use it.
I hear that medicine made from white atractylode roots can beautify the skin.
It can beautify the lips shape without tardiness, not making lipstick fan out.
便能修饰唇形, 令唇膏不致晕开。
Your clothes conceal much of your beautify, yet they hide not the unbeautiful.
You beautify your surroundings and pay particular attention to your appearance.
The other is appreciation and aspiration, that is beautify and poeticize Orient.
You can not only beautify the environment, in order to add a luster to the world.
In addition, many of its potassium content can be modified lines to beautify legs.
Cover soil around plants with small rocks to further secure the plants and to beautify!
The moderate protective mark can protect and beautify the commodity, rich people's life.
适度的商品包装能保护和美化商品, 丰富人们的生活。
Bath salt crystals are great for aches and pains and they also help to beautify your skin.
In my eyes and heart, to beautify the appearance of not only the United States, more beautiful heart.
在我的眼中和心里, 美化不但外表美, 内心更美。
The product can beautify leg curve, keep the healthy muscle strength, and promote the slim leg curve.
The wish to beautify their homes, but because the use of inferior paint stench reason, uninhabitable.
本想美化家园, 却因使用了伪劣涂料恶臭难当, 无法居住。
Beautify your tongues. O people, with truthfulness, and adorn your souls with the ornament of honesty.
人们阿, 用诚实美化你们的言辞, 用正直装饰你们的灵魂。
We must uphold the principle of the'five things to emphasize', 'four things to beautify'and'three things to love'.
Dinky here of one the part be medium and both parties all pass an imagination to constantly beautify the other party.
在这极小的一部分中, 双方都通过想象不断地美化对方。
Construction Embankment and Planted Grasses at Behind of it to Make Beautify the Environment at Two Side of Fenhe River

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