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单词 beastly 例句大全,用单词beastly造句:

I won't put myself in such a beastly false position.
This diet gave him a tummyache and a beastly temper.
I've got some of the beastly staff on my coat sleeve.
A song about a beastly man in love with a perfect angel
The film revealed the beastly behaviour of the aggressors.
Sir, that Breathitt House, in Atlanta, is a beastly place!
Has the wolf, the sika and so on beastly bird 200 many kinds.
有狼, 梅花鹿等兽鸟200多种。
They had always had the counter effect of making him beastly.
女人总产生相反的效果, 使他更像野兽。
It was beastly of you to laugh like that, I felt so humiliated.
你居然笑成那样实在是太可恶了, 我都丢脸死了。
Beasts are not actually all that beastly, and so we need not be either.
野兽们事实上并非总是残忍的, 所以我们人类也不该如此。
Mao Sesui age change Young beastly color deep, Cheng Shouse is shallow.
There is not a vestige of beastly sand anywhere. I have heard it called an ugly coast.
这里没有讨厌的沙滩, 据说还被称作难看的海滨。
Lunings Oil Transportational Pipeline Clears the Choice of the Periods Scheme Beastly.
beastly desires a bestial nature brute force a dull and brutish man bestial treatment of prisoners.
The beast sees all walks, the tiger did not know also beastly fear oneself walks, thinks the fear fox.
And leads three various races group beastly evil spirit to tread into the world once again, the oath destroys the people.
Yet this sort of simple pleasure in the job is not open to most people the majority of jobs are either boring or beastly or both.
通过展示人和野兽的勇敢, 他的臣民们的心智

单词 beastly 释义

  • 单词释义:野兽般的;凶残的;<口>使人不愉快的;恶劣的  [更多..]



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