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单词 begin 例句大全,用单词begin造句:

And you begin to accept your defeats with your head up and your eyes open.
The committee has to accept the the document before the process can begin.
By sells goods the limitation of action without the list to begin reckonin
It now plans to begin funneling display ads to Bebo in the fourth quarter.
Methinks that the moment my legs begin to move, my thoughts begin to flow.
据我看, 当我的双腿开始移动, 我的思想火花也开始迸发。
Flowers begin to open, trees begin to turn green, and birds begin to sing.
鲜花烂漫开放, 树木开始变成绿色, 鸟类开始唱歌。
seems the boss wants me to put on a tie and begin acting like an executive.
To begin with, it's going to be a society that's way in advance of our own.
Commodities are never too high to begin buying or too low to begin selling.
商品没有高到不该再买的时候, 也没有低到不该再卖的时候。
Its just a minor change in your hormones as you begin to grow into adulthood.
You must accept the end of something in order to begin to build something new.
In the paint material has accumulated to a certain extent, will begin created.
He was anointed princeps; the Roman empire is said to begin with his accession.
Now that we have adopted this resolution the work must begin on implementing it.
我们既已通过了决议, 就必须开始执行决议。
Before I actually begin the meat of my talk, let's begin with a bit of baseball.
The index in the array at which to begin copying the access control list entries.
The first act is usually the longest. Every new act should begin on its own page.
Hukou applications will begin to be accepted after detailed regulations are issued.
I won't be able to even begin to approach my teacher's achievements in all my life.
After a layout is selected and the view adjusted, the real analysis work can begin.
One by one each of the seven passengers aboard a sailboat cruise begin to disappear.
Energy from the laser is absorbed by the target molecules and thus begin to vibrate.
从激光能量吸收分子的目标, 从而开始振动。
During anaphase the fibers begin to shorten, and the chromatids begin to move apart.
After having be instructed to drive away of the th ave, I begin to acquire confidence.
在接到把车开出城的命令后, 我就开端有自信了。
Why one change garments according to the season, do my foot and hand begin desquamate ?
为什么一换季, 我的脚和手就开始脱皮?

单词 begin 释义

  • 单词释义:开始,以…开头;启动,创办;起初是;开始说  [更多..]



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