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单词 become 例句大全,用单词become造句:

To become overspread as with a fluid, a colour, a gleam of light.
One, Palo is said to have abandoned politics to become an artist.
首先, 帕德梅说过, 派罗已经放弃了政治而成为了一个艺术家。
She has quickened, and her abdomen has become noticeably swollen.
The arrow is blunt, immediately become utterly abhor daphne love.
被钝箭射中的达芙妮, 立刻变得十分厌恶爱情。
To become more and more my life does not feel up to become misty.
Only when the bacteria become active do people become ill with TB.
And it's as difficult to become happier as it is to become taller.
Why does my schoolbag become heavier ang my glasses become thicker ?
Do not become the new round money transaction the carrier to become.
Not able to become couple, become his her special friend better rite
做不成男女朋友, 当他那个特别的朋友, 有什么不好呢
She become SO morose and despotic, that her rule become intolerable.
爸爸你看起来有些烦躁啊, 丫头。有什么烦的?
She become so morose and despotic, that her rule become intolerable.
The problem has become too big, and the danger has become too great.
问题现已变得十分严重, 危险也已到了无以复加的地步。
People who become obsessed with efficiency can become rather joyless.
Fei Bao such as Abas million Hu Teluk nine days, become a spectacular.
How does ability call an emaciated person to become some more healthy?
Every time I fail to become Bruce Lee, I become more authentically me.
未能成功模仿李小龙 令我成为更真实的自己
You must acquire the eloquence of Aaron if you want to become a lawyer.
And now I have become their taunt, I have even become a byword to them.
Before we become a fully enlightened being, we must first become human.
要成佛前应该先成人, 成一个好的人以后成佛。
What is true cannot become false, and what is false cannot become true.
真得假不了, 假得真不了。
How can ability become an eligible psychology seek advice from division ?
Such you, certainly will become king of the wrestle, will become control.
这样的你, 一定会成为格斗之王, 成为的主宰。
Xianghe meat pie to become the brand has become a unique regional cuisine.
Take what to abandoned to be become then let us very expend hesitant thing.

单词 become 释义

  • 单词释义:成为,变得;适合;使好看  [更多..]



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