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单词 awareness 例句大全,用单词awareness造句:

To talk about the relationship between man and nature and arouse man's awareness of environment.
First, the assessment of your franchisee's understanding of the level of awareness of the brand.
When our Mind attaches to pain and joy, let the awareness of this attachment arises spontaneously.
当心执著苦与乐时, 对执著的觉知亦随之而起。
Teachers of advanced reading should develop a conscious awareness of the syntax of written English.
To increase brand awareness, we will have to advertise on TV to reach the largest possible audience.
Attend environment training, and improve awareness and skill for environment precaution continuously.
参加公司的环保培训, 并不断提高环保意识和技能。
Awareness of the possibility of a volvulus is perhaps the most important factor in accurate diagnosis.
At the same time, learning to read alphabetic script also develops phonological and phonemic awareness.
Of course, outside outlets can create the awareness that could help you to attain some inner knowledge.
Awareness of your implicit attitudes is an important first step toward identifying and correcting them.
Historical Awareness of the Changeable Academic Atmosphere and Reconstructon of a Good Academic Atmosphere
Conversely, changes in consumption patterns induced by increased environmental awareness could accelerate.
The high number of civil society organizations is an indication of enhanced public awareness and activism.
State programmes for drug rehabilitation and for raising awareness of drug abuse had also been established.
Since it is awareness that makes consciousness possible, there is awareness in every state of consciousness.
由于觉性赋予意识存在的可能, 每个意识形态中皆存在觉性。
Bus to worldclass other Okinawa beauty in a sea of aquarium deepen our understanding of the Marine awareness.
Phonological awareness refers to the ability to attend to the sounds of language as distinct from its meaning.
When we learn to cultivate awareness, we are laying the groundwork to deal with all of the aforementioned issues.
当我们学会了培养意识, 就是在为处理上述问题打基础。
Phonological and phonemic awareness phonological and phonemic awareness are closely associated with reading ability.
With his awareness increased, he stayed in his seat more than usual, completed more assignments and rarely got in trouble.
This article introduces you to the location awareness feature, describing how it works and how you can take advantage of it.
This kind of accident is not accidental at all. It is all because that working staff lack safety awareness in their daily work.
This paper probes into the impact of phonological perceptual assimilation on the development of bilinguals s phonological awareness.
Apparently the olfactory pathway, and probably the area in the brain responsible for awareness of the ability to smell, is damaged early in Alzheimer 's.
As both Rodger's editor and an avid Web user, I believe that his DoubleClick story was an important one because it spurred greater public awareness of the company's practices.

单词 awareness 释义

  • 单词释义:意识;了解;觉察  [更多..]



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