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单词 author 例句大全,用单词author造句:

In this paper, author introduces a method of synthesizing the pinacol by electroreduction with acetone.
Blunt Yang acupuncture point uplift, tip bowels, the author presents in qi block, appropriate diarrhea.
These doubts about the effectiveness of judicial remedies do not absolve an author from exhausting them.
Author hope promotes our country civil aviation with acquired knowledge visual the development of chart.
Article author respects the special word that offer, appetent achievement is special meritorious service.
本文作者敬献的非常之言, 热望成就为非常之功。
Relating an actual construction project,the author analyzes the application of construction agency system.
Relating an actual construction project, the author analyzes the application of construction agency system.
结合具体的项目, 分析了代建制的应用情况。
The commutation of the author's death sentence was done in accordance with the requirements of domestic law.
Recently, author admire name interviewed Xu Yonghui of villager delegate, financial supervisory group leader.
Combining author s fulfillment, forward a few examine method that engineerings budget and balance of accounts.
结合自身实践, 就工程预结算的审核, 提出以下几种审核方法。
The author considered that the etiology and pathology of it was mainly dampness accumulating in Triple Heater.
The author has carried out experimental researches on furnace slag of electricity factory as cement admixture.
Abstracting and generalizing such a system, the author thinks it is a transitional authoritarian reigning system.
Contrary to Karl Marx, the author of the paper does not think of abstract labor in itself as scalar but as vector.
马克思把抽象劳动看成了标量, 但抽象劳动本身是矢量。
The author also discusses the origination, achievement and historical limitation of the prescriptions in this book.
the author makes a study on the accessorial amount of the outer race and the occcasion on which the outer race canjoin.
Besides, the author puts forward to the structural characteristics and model of the alkali activated slag cementing agent.
此外, 作者提出了碱矿渣粘结剂的结构特征。
In the fourth part, the author analyses the pattern of suspension and quantity of crime pattern in unilateral accessory crime.
But the author thinks that this settlement is not beneficial to exploits the advantages of administrative handing institution.
The author humily requests present teachers'advice on the mistakes, which were made, because of her limited academic knowledge.
Besides, the author believesit isno need to deflate the cuff at fixed time and it isenough to adjust the cuff pressure casually.
认为气囊不需定时放气, 只需不定时调整气囊压力。
To say"He spent the evening reading Shakespeare" is metonymic because it substitutes the author himself for the author's works.
Author analyze mechanism and method of invigorating vital energy, warming yang, meridian activating method for curing thoracic obstruction.
Subsequently the author demonstrates the comparative advantage for construction of the reverse mortgage system under alienation guarantee theory.
English has an absolutely, unspeakably awful spelling system, said Bell, a former English teacher and author of the book Understanding English Spelling.

单词 author 释义

  • 单词释义:作者;作家;发起人  [更多..]



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