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单词 attach 例句大全,用单词attach造句:

You should also attach full curriculum vitae if requested in the advertisement.
如招聘广告注明, 申请人须随本申请书附上一份详尽履历。
If the battery compartment lid is accidentally detached, attach it as illustrated.
如果电池室盖意外脱落, 按图所示装回去。
We must attach due importance to the power of intellectuals in economic development.
If the applicant had bought international insurance, please attach to the certificate.
如在国内已购置国际保险, 请附保险单。
If you want to demolish that building then you should attach the caps to the dynamite.
We should attach great importance to matters concerning benefits of the common people.
Please attach the activity circular in order finish the underwriting procedure shortly.
为加快核保过程, 请附上活动通告。
Attach importance to five key points to improve approving rate of Science Fund Project.
If you need additional space for any questions, please attach a separate sheet of paper.
若填写位置不足, 请另附其它纸张回答。
Attach a version of the interface through a command line activated, can set to boot operation.
附上一个无界面版本, 通过命令行启动, 可以设为开机运行。
Parties may attach additional condition to which the validity of the contract shall be subject.
When the case came to court, Brenda assumed that he would attach himself to her for assistance.
For group payment, please attach a separate sheet listing the names and payable by each applicant.
The president of Peru called upon an agreement for the presidential candidates avoid personal attach.
Please describe and attach documentation regarding all disciplinary actions taken by any regulatory agency.
If the shutter exists, please close the shutter of the laser head. Please attach the label to the aperture.
如存在遮光机构, 请关闭遮光机构。粘贴贴挡标志。
Retrospective Report on Investigation of Differential Diagnosis and Treatment of Bronchial Asthma during Attach
Day of vegetable attach a few wenches of the kitchen are on good terms, ambition also do some materials for them.
Several individuals wade into a alive apartment attach, the autumn livings to then and immediately sort supper.
Pursuant to rule20 of the rules of procedure of the General Assembly, I attach herewith an explanatory memorandum.
The students whoever had fairly good or fairly bad school work achievement all attach importance to attribution of ability.
学业成就较好的学生, 重视能力和主观努力的因素
Applicants Standard of Education, Any Diplomas or Certificates. If so what category. Attach separate reference if applicable
The eggs of the Atlantic Flyingfish have long adhesive filaments so that they can attach to clumps of floating seaweed or debris.
Third, attach importance to the substantial results of moral education, and promote the school moral education to ameliorate and innovate.
第三, 注重德育实效, 积极改进和创新学校德育工作。
If the company goes bankrupt, we shall lose our jobs. It's a typical example of"with the skin gone, what can the hair attach itself to?".

单词 attach 释义

  • 单词释义:把…固定;附上,附加;缠着;重视;附属,赋予;有关系  [更多..]



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