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单词 attitude 例句大全,用单词attitude造句:

This leads to a secretive manner, or even an attitude of completely absorbed enjoyment.
于是以诡秘状的形式, 甚至欣赏其中谜一般的情绪。
With High sense of responsibility and active work attitude, strong attention to detail.
具有责任感和积极主动的工作态度, 注重细节。
The Study on Abstinent Time of Drug addicts and Attitude and Behaviors of Their Relatives
Influence of Airplane Attitude Errors on the Accuracy of Flight Correction by Survey Ship
His attitude toward acknowledgement of his guilt was good and he was dealt with leniently.
Like it or not, your attitude is susceptible to the dominate attitude of those around you.
The president's attitude toward the proposals had been indicated in his new year's address.
The Variable Structure Adaptive Control and its Application to Missile Attitude Control System
Distrust of employees is an attitude endemic among the administrative members of that company.
Flight attitude simulators are special devices to generate flight attitude signals in many testing.
Simulation results show that the missile can be satisfied to realize attitude adjustment efficiently.
A survey questionnaire was also administered to inquire students attitude about classroom assessment.
The integrated power and attitude control for a bias momentum attitude control system is investigated.
In academia, there are always some scholartyrants who dont have a proper attitude for academic research.
学术界总是有许多学阀, 没有科学的态度。
With endactuator of microholding pipette, the cell position and attitude adjusting system was developed.
以吸持针为末端执行器, 研制了细胞位姿调节系统。
Chapter two is about the classification of attitude and the introduction of attitude scale in common use.
In academia, there are always some scholar-tyrants who don't have a proper attitude for academic research.
ADI, Attitude Direction Indicator, An electronic display of airplane attitude inFORMation in pitch and roll.
姿态指引仪, 用来显示飞机的俯仰姿态和坡度的电子显示。
To cultivate, in a non formal educational context, an academic, scholarly attitude in the student participants.
透过专题研讨, 报告, 培养学生之严谨治学态度。
At the same time, from the sizefitsall ideology aside, the attitude of thousands of people out of the accompaniment.
This article investigates the spacecraft autonomous attitude maneuver control in the presence of forbidden attitude.
The main abnormal waves on ECoG include the spike wave,sharp wave,high attitude slow wave and spike slow complex waves.
An administrative secretarial position where communication skills and a pleasant attitude toward people will be assets.
Investigation and analysis of knowledge, attitude, belief and behavior for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome prevention in a multiversity
When we treat any problems, we must hold an honest attitude"to admit openly what you know and what you don't know". Never pretend to know what you don't know, but learn it and make it known.

单词 attitude 释义

  • 单词释义:态度,看法;姿势;我行我素的作风  [更多..]



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