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单词 asthmatic 例句大全,用单词asthmatic造句:

Correlation between eosinophil cationic protein levels in serum and induced sputum from asthmatic children and lung function
Objective To probe the effect of aminophylline ultrasonic atomizer inspiration dissolves asthmatic and breath holding symptom.
ObjectiveTo study the nursing method for asthmatic children with the treatments of Chinese medication paste and points massage.
Effect of Strengthening Earth to Support Metal Method on Trachea cAMP and cGMP Level of the Asthmatic Rats with Spleen Deficiency
Etiological study on an outbreak of epidemic asthmatic pneumonia in Hebei Province and its relationship with respiratory syncytial virus subtype
Effect of sodium nitroprusside on apoptosis in human airway smooth muscle cells of passive sensitization by serum from allergic asthmatic patients
Atomization inhalation with ipratropium bromide or salbutamol is more effective than aminophylline in treatment of asthmatic diseases in children.
爱喘乐, 喘乐宁雾化吸入治疗小儿喘息性疾病有显著疗效。

单词 asthmatic 释义

  • 单词释义:adj.哮喘的,患哮喘症  [更多..]



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