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单词 assumed 例句大全,用单词assumed造句:

Some religions believe that their souls will be assumed into Heaven after death.
Americans had assumed as a matter of course since 1914 that the Allies would win.
It is often assumed that philanthropy is the only way to assist people in poverty.
There has been a lot of chatter recently regarding the assumed upgrade of Apple TV.
They assumed that this martial behaviour would be accepted by the British Government.
Each ply is assumed to be transversely isotropic, but its ply angle may be arbitrary.
假定各铺层是横观各向同性的, 但其铺设方向可以是任意的。
It is assumed that the robotic manipulator has only joint angle position measurements.
It is assumed that a migrant worker can provide adequate accommodation with this income.
To use these curves, be sure that the diffusion profiles agree with the assumed profiles.
在应用这些曲线时, 应确保扩散分布与假定的分布一致。
Combination of years of darkness not necessarily assumed a posture of the second child, ah!
Within a month of the accession, the realities of the new situation assumed a visible shape.
登极后不到一个月, 新形势就具体化了。
When third causes a loss to cannot be assumed, in jural who is in charge of by armour, second?
When the case came to court, Brenda assumed that he would attach himself to her for assistance.
Fortunatly, what I've assumed here were not true, because the student finally agreed the donation.
Traditional aesthetics assumed the existence of universal and timeless criteria of artistic value.
However, he resigned from all the posts when he assumed office as Chief Secretary for Administration.
There was a knock at the door... Now Jan knew her mother had promised to visit, so she assumed it was her.
Ga67 uptake in the tumor was assumed to be due to accumulation in the component of squamous cell carcinoma.
Precontact position n. The floor location arrived at and the body positioning assumed before the ball arrives.
On the Legal Responsibilities Assumed by Accounting Firms When They check the Investment and Issue a False Report
The new works were assumed to discharge the sweage effluent from an outfall approximately one kilometre off the coast.
When the generator set is paralleled, operation of this potentiometer will adjust the kW load assumed by the generator set.
The chairman of a commission for examination and assessment of judges shall be assumed by the president of the court it belongs to.
Anything on the outside is assumed to be suspect, and after it has run the gauntlet and been allowed inside, it is assumed to be pristine.
在经过严格检查允许输入后, 它被认为是纯洁的。
The chairman of a commission for examination and assessment of public procurators shall be assumed by the chief procurator of the procuratorate it belongs to.

单词 assumed 释义

  • 单词释义:假装的;假冒的;假定的;被承担的  [更多..]



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