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单词 associate 例句大全,用单词associate造句:

An aspirant should not associate with a woman, even though she is very much devoted to God.
Associate a single email account with the postmaster, such as your Help desk mailbox account.
For a profile to be activated, this stored procedure can be used to associate the guidelines.
要激活一个概要文件, 可以使用该存储过程来关联指南。
Miss Liu was a teaching assistant, so marrying an associate professor should be quite enough.
刘小姐是个助教, 嫁个副教授已经够好了。
The Beijing Institute Of Fashion Technology arts and associate professor in the Department of.
Associate Research Fellow, Institute of Management, Beijing Municipal Academy of Social Sciences
Significance of measuring serum amylase associate with lipase in diagnoses of acute pancreatitis
My delegation is not able to associate itself with the document and reluctantly cannot accept it.
我方代表对于文件不表赞同, 也不愿接受。
The Associate Administrator presented an overview of financial, budgetary and administrative matters.
One of the first things arranged between him and his associate was to permit the two others to sleep on.
The relaxation method in analog computation for rectification process of associate systems is introduced.
He is Associate Editor of The Journal of the American Statistical Association and The Annals of Statistics.
I get to do it with people I like, and I dont have to associate with anybody who causes my stomach to churn.
The Associate Administrator thanked the delegations for their constructive and positive comments on the report.
Controlled the air conditioning button which on the stage arranged in turn to let me associate the candied fruit.
This is to associate one of logion that accuse an assistant president to hold president Liu Chuanzhi concurrently.
A majority of the Members other than Associate Members shall constitute a quorum for the meetings of the Assembly.
The research of restore pediatrical intussusception in air or barium enema associate with acupuncture and moxibustion.
The tiger may be the animal most Indians associate with their private sector but a more apt symbol is the peepul tree.
他认为玛吉容易一时冲动, 随心所欲而不顾后果。
Performing through assessment before clinical practice to improve the quality of teaching in the associate degree nursing students
According to DR. George Serban, associate professor of clinical psychiatry at New YorkUniversity, most men do it to prove their masculinity.
The job offers prospects of promotion. Break a rule to promote sb to associate professor; give sb. an accelerated promotion to associate professor
Associate Professor of Sculpture and Contemporary Art. Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Sculpture Department. Currently teaching Contemporary Metal Fabrication.
广州美术学院, 雕塑系教授, 当代铁艺。
On the Motivation and Purpose of Physical Education Teachers Participating the Professional Title Assessment for Associate Professor in Shanxi Colleges and Universities
The senate advanced him from a lectureship to a professorship Break a rule to promote sb to associate professor; give sb. an accelerated promotion to associate professor.

单词 associate 释义

  • 单词释义:联想,联系;使与(某个组织、事业或观点)有关系;公开支持;与…交往  [更多..]



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