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单词 athena 例句大全,用单词athena造句:

Athena climbs up from the ledge of the summit and attacks Kratos.
Athena was the goddess of wisdom and patroness of house holdarts.
Intelligence goddess Athena is the emblem of equality and liberty.
智慧女神雅典娜是自由, 平等的象征。
Kratos discovers a statue of Athena at the entrance of the desert.
Temple of the goddess Athena on the hill of the Acropolis in Athens.
The spouse may recurrently cheat upon the one with Athena archetype.
How did Athena get onto the Cylon base ship to rescue her daughter ?
If I have the body of Athena Chu, I wear like a sexy Well Youwu mind.
如果我有朱茵的身型, 我唔介意穿得像个性感尤物。
Seiya is a true saint, loyal to Athena, loyal to himself, not like me.
星矢是个真正的圣斗士, 忠于雅典娜, 忠于自己的灵魂, 不像我。
You do not know if this is200 years reincarnated goddess Athena once it
She was Athena, goddess of wisdom and knowledge and patroness of Athens.
This building is adorned with mythological characters, Athena and Hermes.
Kratos walks away from the structure to find Athena standing in his path.
In Greek mythology, owls are associated with Athena, the goddess of wisdom.
在希腊神话中, 猫头鹰让人联想到智慧女神雅典娜。
Phevos and Athena, the official Athens 2004 mascots, are brother and sister.
You have been called the reincarnation of Budda and Serve Athena with Pride.
你被称为是佛陀的转世, 骄傲地侍奉雅典娜。
Finally Heracles resorted to some castanets given to him by the goddess Athena.
At the end of the trilogy appears in his person, and so does another god, Athena.
Kratos is on his ship again, begging Athena to finally rid him of his nightmares.
克瑞托斯在船上, 企求雅典娜最终让他拜托那些噩梦。
Athena used the disguise of Mentor to advise and stand beside her beloved Odysseus.
However, Athena was also the goddess of warfare, so maybe she felt she had to speak up.
The goddess Athena sent enormous serpents to strangle and kill the priest and his sons.
Phevos and Athena represent the link between Greek history and the modern Olympic Games.
When Alexander the Great was a general, one of the important woman goddesses was Athena.
当伟大的亚利桑德拉还是将军时, 雅典娜是一个重要的女神。
He was struck with blindness in his youth, because he had spied unwittingly on the goddess Athena.
由于他年轻时不小心窥见了女神雅典娜, 他的双目失明。

单词 athena 释义

  • 单词释义:n.[希神]雅典娜(智慧与技艺的女神)  [更多..]



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