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单词 assembly 例句大全,用单词assembly造句:

The magnet coil assembly is designed for shock absorption and provides negligible contact bounce.
Such an assembly is referred to in the following table as an assembly with a fixed load location.
下列表格中所指的组件, 就是具有固定载入位置的组件。
Violence against civilians has been abhorred by both the Security Council and the General Assembly.
The arrangement also includes a plasma tube assembly intersecting the microwave waveguide assembly.
We have also taken into account the experience acquired at the last session of the General Assembly.
Acting Chairman's direction for payment of petty cash to the National Transition Legislative Assembly
Members of the state assembly cannot be ticketed for speeding while the state assembly is in session.
In surface mount assembly, the stencil is the gateway to accurate, repeatable solder paste deposition.
表面贴装, 钢网是锡膏正确重复印刷得要害。
The dimensions of the Throttle body assembly are defined on the Throttle body assembly outline drawing.
Considerable good work was accomplished on those issues at the previous session of the General Assembly.
在大会上届会议上, 就这些问题做了大量良好的工作。
Products intended to be assembled by an adult should be evaluated after assembly evaluated after assembly.
Development on Diamond Tools Used in the Accessory Assembly for Cutting and Grinding Automobile Brake Shoes
Information from external suppliers can be used for mash up assembly or syndication assembly on clientside.
If meeting bus bar bridge installation, should refer to corresponding total assembly figures and accessory list.
如遇上母线桥安装, 请参照相应的总装图及零件明细表。
If the length is less than the minimum, replace the starter brush holder assembly and the starter yoke assembly.
如果长度比最小值少, 替换起动机炭刷架和电刷装配。
? Assembly Modeling. On the Rights of Assembly Scheme of quick automatic assembly units for the fluorescent lamp cap.
In this regard, the General Assembly requested a comprehensive report on the system of accountability and responsibility.
在这方面, 大会要求关于问责制和责任制的全面报告。
For the current financial period, support account funding has been approved by the General Assembly to address that need.
在本财政期间, 大会已为满足这一需求核批了支助账户经费。
electroplated layers or antirot material layers are arranged on the surface of the stator assembly and the rotor assembly.
Automatic assembly system for household appliance assembly, mechanical electrical component, TV, audio video assembly etc.
The invention relates to a fuel tank assembly, in particular to a stainless steel fuel tank assembly used for alcohol gasoline.
一种酒精汽油用不锈钢油箱总成, 涉及一种油箱总成。
Assembly prestress and its variation in different water depths when applied to the active elements of a flextensional transducer
The utility model is composed of an upper bent plate, a lower bent plate, a clamping device assembly and a rotary body assembly.
此夹具由上下弯板, 压紧装置总程和旋转体总程组成。
I should like to express my appreciation for the opportunity given to the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea to address the Assembly.
Looking at the busy workers on the assembly lines, the general manager felt it was absolutely possible to accomplish the production plan by the end of the year.

单词 assembly 释义

  • 单词释义:议会,立法机构;集会(者);组装  [更多..]



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