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单词 assertive 例句大全,用单词assertive造句:

The idea for a more assertive role appears to be gaining influence.
To do that involves projecting the right energy calm and assertive.
这么做的发那个发包括展现出积极的能量平静, 主张。
Life, regardless of do anything to succeed, there must be assertive.
The Style and Translation of Chinese and Japanese Assertive Sentences
is an assertive boy, always insisting on his own rights and opinions.
他是个固执的孩子, 总是坚持自己的权利和主意。
I like you to be elegant, selfconfident and assertive to become my biz.
我喜欢你是优雅, 自信和自信, 成为我的商业。
Other royal houses were whittled down to size by assertive parliaments.
He is an assertive boy, always insisting on his own rights and opinions.
Lesbians tend to be more assertive and less neurotic than straight women.
与直人女子相比, 女同志往往自信更多, 神经质更少。
Should be earnest and assertive and has a strong sense of responsibility.
You will have to make many personal judgement calls when being assertive.
Here are seven ways to help your child learn to be respectfully assertive.
John is an assertive boy, always insisting on his own rights and opinions.
约翰是个固执的孩子, 总是坚持自己的权力及意见。
Being assertive helps you express yourself about things that matter to you.
Something that resonated inside me like the assertive crisp ring of a bell.
This article provides some tips on how to go about assertive communication.
When a calm and assertive person is with the dogs, they all get along fine.
有冷静果断得人员照料狗儿时, 狗儿们得相处就没问题。
Only the aggressive and the assertive and the strong will inherit the earth.
In most cases, being assertive works better than being passive or aggressive.
在大多数情况下, 主张比被动或侵略效果更好。
They are more assertive, though they are also believed to be more egotistical.
他们更有主张, 尽管也让人觉得他们更以自我为中心。
Assertive teachers with a constant eye on these students can keep them in line.
严厉的教师总是时刻监管这些学生, 让他们保持秩序。
Eurasia is home to most of the world's politically assertive and dynamic states.
partly because I needed to prove to myself that I could be bold and assertive too.
一部分原因是因为我想要证明自己 也可以变的勇敢而坚定
Being assertive helps you communicate without causing stress to yourself and others.
I would be ground down between the Congress and the increasingly assertive bureaucracy.

单词 assertive 释义

  • 单词释义:adj.断定的,过分自信的  [更多..]



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