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单词 aspersion 例句大全,用单词aspersion造句:

Carrie felt this to contain, in some way, an aspersion upon her ability.
Should you hear my name blackened and maligned, will you credit the aspersion ?
As far as cleaning them, I don't mean to cast any aspersion on people cleaning birds.
至于清理鸟类,我无意中伤哪位 为鸟做清洗的人。
In the 19th century any reference to female sexuality was considered a vile aspersion.
Noumenon of its casting copper, assure wear well, pull a type to spend aspersion mouth, more facilitating cleanness is used.
其铸铜本体, 保证经久耐用, 拉出式花洒水嘴, 更便于清洁使用。

单词 aspersion 释义

  • 单词释义:诽谤,中伤;(天主教)洒圣水  [更多..]



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