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单词 ase 例句大全,用单词ase造句:

In physics events ase explained rigorously and quantitativly, and with the aid of mathematical formulae.
在物理学中, 可借助数学公式对事件作出严格的定量说明。
Objective To investigate the relationship between the telomer ase activity and apoptosis in gastric cancer.
An increase in the network density leads to a considerable incre ase in the maximum possible amount of plasticizer compatible with the polymer.
ObjectiveTo explore the relationship of Dieulafoy s Di se ase and acute top enteron bleeding and the clinical character of Dieulafoy s Dis ease.

单词 ase 释义

  • 单词释义:American Stock Exchange 美国证券交易所  [更多..]



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