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单词 are 例句大全,用单词are造句:

Experiences are absolutely necessary but writing and typing skills are in great demand.
Concerning are more or less subject to envy, persons of, are advanced, are less envied.
Frogs are able to capture a great deal of insects, they are a kind of beneficial animal.
And there are Abd allegations frauds which complaints commissions are still investigating.
There are now studies clearly showing that the wars are terrible, that rapes are terrible.
现在有研究明确表明 虽然有很多战争,很多强奸
Shorter swings are easier to catch because price targets are closer and stops are tighter.
短期的波动则比较容易抓住, 因为价格目标和止损都很近。
The machines are all running, absolutely incredible to see what the scale of industries are.
机器正在工作之中 这样的工业场景是非常具有震撼力的
And the ones that are the most sought after are the ones that are only barely scratched off.
那些最火的作品 是最难刮中的。
Product development cycles are short, quality standards are high and prices are competitive.
产品开发周期短, 质量标准高, 价格具有竞争性。
Many of the root causes of terrorism are to be found in or are connected with abject poverty.
There are certain things that are absolutely basic to the maintenance of a good relationship.
要保持良好的关系, 有些条件是必不可少的。
Abide in the calling in which you are called, unless you are clearly told to do something else.
守在你原有的呼召中, 除非你得了新的清楚的呼召。
If you are using or are about to use a CC license, which version are you using or would you use
如果已经或打算使用, 您使用的是什么版本的许可协议
The Welsh are emotional and cheerful people. They are music lovers and are proud of their past.
Islands are land forms that are smaller than continents and are completely surrounded by water.
They are happiest when they are bullying the weak, when they are sprinting, chasing and hunting.
在高速追击围捕时笑, 属于绝对的恃强凌弱。
All the students are doing some cleaning. Some are sweeping the floor, are cleaning the windows.
Some of these cats that are looking for homes were abandoned, others are offspring of feral cats.
Men are failures, not because they are stupid, but because they are not sufficiently impassioned.
Equally fascinating are the color effects, which are due to the longitudinal chromatic aberration.
同样令人着迷的是由轴向色差引起的 成像 缺陷。
The conjugal family relations are the status promotion conjugal family are stable, are harmonious.
婚姻家庭关系是身份促进婚姻家庭的稳定, 和谐
Those are motions that are not visible to us but are visible to a camera with the right processing.
这些运动,肉眼难于分辨 但是通过处理摄像机却可见。
The children are cleaning the classroom. Some are sweeping the floor, others are cleaning the window.
People who are accomplishing a lot are doing a lot. Work and accomplishments are very closely related.
多劳多得, 努力和成就是密不可分的。
The students are cleaning the classroom. Some are sweeping the floor, others are cleaning the windows.
同学们在打扫教室, 一些在扫地, 一些在擦窗子。

单词 are 释义

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