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单词 applause 例句大全,用单词applause造句:

In the athletic competition he acted powerfully, and won a lot of applause.
Going with lots of applause hand clap, mickey teacher appeared on the stage.
Wu iridium is even more beautiful sounds, to see surpasses applaud applause.
acknowledge applause by inclining the head,as of an artist after a performance
He stood briefly to acknowledge the crowd and received a round of warm applause.
After this speech, all persons in our class agree with me with the warm applause.
此言一出, 得到全班人一致赞同和热烈的掌声。
After this words was out of her lip, she immediately access to the applause sound.
此话出唇后, 立刻获得满堂彩声。
The singing performance of"the super girls" won the audience's applause.
Hundreds of hands warm applause, applause to the new people seem to have given me.
As the firemen slid the stretcher into the ambulance, the crowd broke into applause.
At the sight of her appearance on the stage, the hall rang with thunderous applause.
At the sight of his appearance on the stage, the hall rang with thunderous applause.
他一出场, 礼堂里就掌声雷动。
The standing alone is elegant, will not go to vulgar with win the applause and acclaim.
Another big round of applause to congratulate our queen for another successful concert!
There was applause from the public gallery as the foreman of the jury announced the verdict.
Afterward Villa is changed by An Guluo, he also enjoys to the entire audience fan's applause.
He was on for hours, segueing from one song to the next without so much as a pause for applause.
It wasn't exactly a thunderous ovation, but the reaction appeared predominantly to be of applause.
The students, according to published accounts of the address, responded with enthusiastic applause.
据媒体报道, 当时台下学生掌声雷动。
Person needs applause, but the applause giving days in the past the bright moon, is especially many.
At the San Francisco sales meeting after waiting for applause to subside, Celia continued her address.
在旧金山的推销会议上, 西莉亚等掌声平静下去, 继续发言。
Finally, accompanied by the thunderous applause from fellow initiates and guests, Master stood on the stage!
终于, 在同修和来宾得如雷掌声下, 师父上台了!
Finally, accompanied by the thunderous applause from fellow initiates and guests, master stood on the stage!
Every time when I heard the applause and laughter from the audience, I felt a sense of achievement, he says.
每当听到观众的掌声和笑声时, 我都很有成就感。他说。
The performance won thundering applause and the actors and actresses gave several encores at the request of the audience.
演出之后掌声雷动, 演员数次返场谢幕。

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