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单词 appease 例句大全,用单词appease造句:

Descend and appease your hunger with our bread and quench your thirst with our wine.
Descend and appease your hunger with our bread and quench your thirst with our wine.
But it's unlikely the cuts Obama proposes in the budget will be enough to appease the GOP.
While he was sitting on the ground, a soldier prepared a coarse meal to appease his hunger.
他坐在地上, 一个士兵给他备粗食疗饥。
After nearly two hours of police persuasion, to appease the man basic emotional stability.
At this point, the main motive is to appease the U. S. and other trading partners, she said.
The monkeys had been working tiredly for a whole day, how could one fruit appease their hunger
猴子们劳累一天, 一个果子怎么能吃饱肚子呢?
They came to appease them and escorted them from the prison, requesting them to leave the city.
于是来劝他们, 领他们出来, 请他们离开那城。
After Munich Conference, America? s policy was not only to appease Germany, but also to contain it.
慕尼黑会议之后, 美国的对德政策是绥靖与遏制并存。
The ceremony, it was said at the time, was not binding but merely a ritual to appease the ancestors.
When the pretage placenta merge implants the placenta in particular, the massive hemorrhage, cannot appease.
尤其是前置胎盘合并植入胎盘, 大出血时, 更不能姑息。
To appease their thirst its readers drank deeper than before, until they were seized with a kind of delirium.
A snake charmer in the village said his fellow charmers were doing everything possible to appease the mystery snake.
这项发现吓坏的附近邻居, 大家纷纷从屋里拔腿跑出。

单词 appease 释义

  • 单词释义:平息;安抚,抚慰  [更多..]



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