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单词 ascetic 例句大全,用单词ascetic造句:

Aspiring to be a follower of the ascetic Sankara, he cherished a great hatred for women.
他热心于成为苦行者商羯罗的追随者, 对妇女抱着极大憎恨。
Be systematically ascetic...do...something for no other reason than that you would rather not do it.
The Master praised his ascetic habit and attributed it to the spiritual disciplines of his past life.
By that time, the two major disciplines for the sake of enlightenment were meditation and ascetic austeritics.
Through ascetic practices, people can become immortals , so they especially value the cultivation of long life.
人通过修炼身体可以成仙, 所以他们特别重视养生。
He loved pretty girls, music and song there was nothing ascetic about him, though he chose to live an ascetic life.
他百无禁忌, 却又过着一种苦行僧式的生活。
Observention and nursing of therapy patients with malignant hydrothorax and ascetic fluid by central venous draining
Next, not desiring the wealth of this life, they will endure meditation in the mountains through their ascetic discipline and energy.
Experience of treatment by outer circular concentrating ascetic fluid and transporting into abdominal cavity in patients with stubborn ascetic

单词 ascetic 释义

  • 单词释义:禁欲的;禁欲主义的;苦行的;克己的  [更多..]



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