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单词 arse 例句大全,用单词arse造句:

It's really not necessary and can be a pain in the arse dealing with all those pesky floats.
Cordage is a pain in the arse to make in the woods so I always make sure I have plenty with me.
Frank seems to think the sun shines out of the managers arse in his opinion, he can do no wrong.
Dont ask Algernon for any advice over you financial affairs he doesnt know his arse from his elbow.
At the very least, make sure to clean your arse thoroughly with hot, soapy water before any fucking.
而且在行房之前, 务必用热香皂水彻底打扫一番。
Dont ask Algernon for any advice over your financial affairs, he doesnt know his arse from his elbow.

单词 arse 释义

  • 单词释义:〈俗〉屁股;笨蛋,饭桶  [更多..]



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