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单词 arranged 例句大全,用单词arranged造句:

There are four alluvial fans arranged as a string of beads from the south to the north.
He sees society's classes as aggregates of people who are arranged like layers on a cake.
A straightthrough air flue is arranged between the convex air cavity and the air chamber.
After with Wang Tao in advance is contacted, she arranged Wang Tao and Zhang Chaoyang meet.
An aircraft nose shaped air guide sleeve is arranged at the liquid inlet of the valve body.
If shipper requires greater protection, then insurance may be arranged at an additional cost.
Along the underside of their arms are grooves, along these arranged little tube like sucker feet.
沿着手臂内侧长有一些凹槽, 里面长有吸管状的吸足。
The students went there in advance, and they arranged that they would all order Feynman sandwiches.
那些学生们事先去了那里 并安排着大伙儿都点费曼三明治
Arranged alphabetically in the order of the Arabic alphabet according to the names of the Member States
Genetic Algorithm for Optimal Problem of General Piece Goods Arranged in Groups in a Few Railway Wagons
A stripper is arranged in front of the leveling roll. A wool brush roll is arranged above the stripper.
The technical proposal of adopted by the invention is that vertical edges are arranged on a plastic mat.
To facilitate class schedule, make up class will not be arranged for any absence of progressive basis course.
An emergency relief valve is arranged on the air reservoir or the wind pipe connected with the air reservoir.
The rest of the Aden paraffin are arranged in Hatch No. 4 lower hold fore part. Maybe its omitted in the plan.
Inspections may be appliance and will be advised at the time of purchase and arranged and paid for the Client.
While a pair of hollow jacks without electrodes are correspondingly and additionally arranged on the lamp base.
overflow holes are arranged on the basin wall, and a washout valve is arranged at the bottom of the basin body.
the vessel is arranged above the framework, and a seed metering device is arranged at the bottom of the vessel.
容器设置在框架的上方, 在容器的底部设有排种器。
A magnifying glass is arranged on the ruler body for facilitating the handwriting identification for an accountant.
为了方便会计人员进行字迹辨认, 尺体上设有放大镜。
A nozzle is arranged in the damp heat air duct, which can adjust the temperature and humidity of the damp hot blast.
A total of33 flights with the Tribunals aircraft were arranged from Kigali for the purpose of transporting witnesses.
A lengthened lorry bin is arranged on the lorry chassis with a long wheel base, and three rows of seats are arranged in the lorry bin.
在长轴距汽车底盘上。安置一加长车仓, 车仓内设置三排座。
The supports penetrate through the holes arranged on the light absorption heat exchanging plate to be arranged between the two panels.
He tried to meet a friend in London without a pre arranged rendezvous and absurdly wandering the streets in the hope of a chance encounter.

单词 arranged 释义

  • 单词释义:vbl.安排,准备,计划  [更多..]



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