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单词 antecedent 例句大全,用单词antecedent造句:

The linguistic expression which appeared previously in the text is called antecedent while the latter anaphor.
The Study on Antecedent Infections of Virus and Its Relationship with Clinical Features in GuillainBrrae Syndrome
Effect of Soil Antecedent Water Content on Soil Solutes Release and Transport on Loess Slope under Water Erosion Condition.
The Results reveal that perceived value is a critical antecedent of destination loyalty while trip quality is a basic driver.
Do not continue your line of argument using demonstrative or personal pronouns unless the antecedent has been well established.
除非有完整的前题, 别用示范性或个人的语调书写论证。
Under the same soil texture, as antecedent soil moisture increased, infiltration rate decreased and runoff intensity increased.
Furthermore, the relationship between precipitation in the Dam Region during flood season and the antecedent SST in Northern Pacific is studied.
In these researches, one of them treats the organizational culture as an antecedent variable or contextual factor for organizational performance.
From eye antecedent condition looks, in the whole nation each construction group that big city is engaged in a family decorating, the majority is nonlocal personnel.
业主拿到这份材料之后, 首先要看设计是否符合自己的要求。
Denying mode. It consists of one conditional premise, a second premise that denies the consequent of the conditional premise, and a conclusion that denies the antecedent.
Established in2004, the bluephoenix new media arts, whose antecedent is the bluephoenix creative studio, is a team, who combines art designs, originality creativities, technologies and implement.

单词 antecedent 释义

  • 单词释义:经历;<数>(比例)前项;<逻>前件;祖先  [更多..]



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