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单词 answer 例句大全,用单词answer造句:

I cannot answer for the rest of the team, they will have to answer for themselves.
Eat melon and fruit to want to disinfect, husk, answer to epinosic food abstinence.
I'm not going to answer that. But I will answer some of the more popular questions.
Ask and answer about the facts in the article. Ask and answer about household chores.
She continued, Long ago they used to say, Get your answer at Abel, and that settled it.
A specific question is actually a decision about the kind of answer that is acceptable.
Who has king accumulate billows organic chemistry each Zhang exercise answer after class
Waiting is giving you a reluctant reason Live up is giving yourself an answer to absolve!
And if there is a partial answer, a more complete answer from me, it is to simply imagine.
如果有一个片段的答案 一个更完整的答案 便是简单的想象
Will the one who contends with the Almighty correct him? Let him who accuses God answer him!
He was too much absorbed in his own thoughts to give any immediate answer to my remonstrance.
Here, we organized a group to answer question, answer a few questions that the reader raises.
Answer the following questions with full solutions on the spaces provided in the answer sheet.
Give negative answer to the questions first, and then answer affirmative with the given words.
Answer Abstinency while take bolus of essence of Jin Suo solid to recuperate can greatly improvement.
And the earth will answer the grain and the new wine and the fresh oil, and they will answer jezreel.
Question papers, answer sheets and answer books for the examinations would be prepared by the school.
Minister numerous go forward to watch in abundance, but does not have one to be able to say the answer.
众大臣纷纷上前观看, 但没有一个能够说出答案来。
They are also responsible to go on patrol, to answer abstain and support duties and so on landing operations.
它们还负责巡逻, 答戒和支援登陆作战等任务。
But I just give whichever answer they want to hear, basically, and work out the real answer later for the report.
Must not somebody gives an irrelevant answer for integral, the introduction the view that answer dragon sent flicker.
不许有人为了积分答非所问, 把回龙观的介绍发过来了忽悠。
Project leader should remind demonstrator to clarify answer when customer feel not comfortable on demonstrator's answer.
The paper discusses the two types of the rhetorical question explicit question with ambiguous answer and question without answer.
'Dear Abby'. With these two words, millions of letters have begun their outpourings of anxiety and concern, seeking an answer to emotional or family problems.
Although the answer might be given in Cantonese, the questioner will instantly receive the answer in their own language, thanks to instant messaging and language translation.

单词 answer 释义

  • 单词释义:回答,答复;作出回应;符合,相配  [更多..]



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