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单词 anyway 例句大全,用单词anyway造句:

Anyway, any additional info on what was said would be appreciated.
Anyway, on top of the other layers just add the Invert adjustment.
All i know is that this aint casino royale, cant afford it anyway.
我所知道就是它不是赌场中的皇室, 无论如何令人不能接受。
Matthew Rhys As an actor, were one of the last to know anyway, so no.
作为一个演员, 我们通常是最后知道剧情的。
Do you honestly know what all those additional features are for anyway?
Besides, she's just an adulterer, and the Queen never liked her anyway.
另外, 她还有一个奸夫呢, 而且女王从来也没喜欢过她。
Anyway with this guide I was hoping to show you how to analyse a squad.
Who needs another pair of Ray bans, another silk robe or a Rolex anyway
谁需要一副新的太阳镜, 一件旗袍或一个劳力士或是其他呢
Especially Na Ning Meng piece flavour, alas, anyway I do not like to drink.
非凡是那柠檬片的味道, 哎呀, 反正我不喜欢喝。
Anyway, what I am trying to do is to make great contributions to agriculture.
The abolition of entrance exam, as you believe it or not I believed it anyway!
中考高考取消了, 至于你信不信反正我信了!
You may press Continue to send it anyway, or Cancel to abort this connection.
With. Would the team excepted accept him anyway, just because he tried so hard ?
Sell the home however anyway does not admit, insisting stubbornly is my bang up.
It doesnt diminish the accomplishment, and anyway, records are made to be broken.
However, I will go anyway to lend them a chance to vent their anger or complaints.
但是我还是要去, 因为既然你们有气, 我就要去给你们消消气。
It's not as if the Lakers needed the reminder, but Andrew Bynum supplied one anyway.
这不象是湖人需要暗示, 但是拜纳姆怎么说也是帮助很大。
I can refuse to acknowledge your compliment, but you can continue praising me anyway.
Recession has simply accelerated changes that have been reshaping the industry anyway.
Anyway, a suitable format should be adapted to the local farming and natural conditions.
Anyway, I sat down and tried to put you right out of my head by immersing myself in work.
Want to agree through landlord anyway, still be inferior to signing a new contract afresh.
Anyway we can give injections of vitamins, glucose, or some antiemetic drug, if neccessary.
Anyway, I was no longer the confidence that the socalled acne medication is the basic method of the!
Anyway I also didn't exchange blows with others for a long time, in the mind's returning is really a little bit carefree alarm.

单词 anyway 释义

  • 单词释义:无论如何;不管怎样;究竟;总之;(纠正说过的话)至少;(转移话题)对了;(结束谈话)那么  [更多..]



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