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单词 angst 例句大全,用单词angst造句:

The government's response says a lot about the Kremlin's growing angst over the financial crisis.
And children, who can be a source of enormous satisfaction and joy, can also be a source of angst.
孩子是巨大满足, 快乐的来源, 不过也能成为焦虑来源。
Slowing growth in weekly earnings, now at 2. 5 per cent year on year, is another serving of angst.
The tech angst of many people makes them reluctant to put their trust in automated teller machines.
许多人有技术顾虑, 因而不愿使用自动提款机。
Angst disease is the abbreviation of angst neurosis, it is sex of a kind of function or psychogenic disorder.
焦虑症是焦虑神经症的简称, 是一种功能性或心理障碍。
The scared disease, angst disease, hypochondriasis disease, relationship that forces disease and insomnia is very close.
Gladly, Ive forgotten quite a lot of the stuff I learnt as a literature student especially those inwardtothecore bits, complete with angst and those meagainsttheworld pontifications.

单词 angst 释义

  • 单词释义:焦虑;担心;恐惧,沮丧  [更多..]



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