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单词 anxiously 例句大全,用单词anxiously造句:

When I was anxiously expecting your letter, it has come out at last.
I anxiously packed my things up while waiting to pick up my children.
Asked the young man anxiously, in his turn descending from the table.
Panorama Outside the hospital room the patients are waiting anxiously.
Just started anxiously, slowly to changelikes the hypnosis the song.
After waiting anxiously, Chen Dong met Hoffman Ah Nan had sent his girl.
She thrust forth her head from the lattice, and looked anxiously upward.
她把头探出窗格, 不安地朝天仰望。
Sara anxiously goes to the motel to see Gretchen, who asks to be anally.
She no longer anxiously reckoned the weeks and the months of her widowhood.
You've asked me anxiously if I know that love becomes grief when it deepens.
你曾经焦急的问我, 是否知道爱的太深会变得悲伤。
Family members and the Chilean president were waiting anxiously to greet them.
He looked at me eagerly, anxiously hoping that I could help him with his math.
他急切的望着我, 希望我能帮他复习数学。
All the suspense motivated me to wait anxiously every night till tomorrow came.
一个个悬念, 让我每天都期盼明天的来临。
He anxiously desired to have his niece married, to make for her a suitable match.
Tomorrow he will be watching her anxiously as she swims the long distance to England.
明天当她长途游往英国时, 他将密切关注她。
When he came out from under the anesthetic, the doctor was leaning over him anxiously.
Hearing his clumsy-tongued manner, she can do nothing but stand anxiously by his side.
People have been anxiously awaiting another martial arts blockbuster from Zhang Yimou.
I am anxiously, and his father combatants spar together as a result, I lost the battle.
I have to adapt to this street, the street, people coming and going anxiously to run with.
He walked back and forth at the seashore, anxiously waiting for the return of the fishingboats.
他在海滩上走来走去, 焦急地等待着渔船归来。
She walked back and forth along the seashore, anxiously waiting for the fishing boats to return.
Three words namely look in to listen the small fox creature lull in Chu sky slightly show to anxiously mention.
楚天寻听到小狐平静的三个字, 略显急切的说道。
After the college entrance examinations, the students were all waiting anxiously for the results to be published.
In HongkongHong Kong, investors waited anxiously for HSBC holdings Anno Earning's Holdings annual earnings announcement.

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