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单词 anxious 例句大全,用单词anxious造句:

We are anxious to seek an aggressive and creative mechanical design engineer.
The girl did not accept his proposal; he could do nothing but feeling anxious.
and the doubts of the anxious actual experience has given the conclusive reply.
Goshawk is volant had not flown, goat be apt to ascends anxious to involve aid.
Last month, of Qiao Busi angular caused people of healthy to its state anxious.
上个月, 乔布斯的消瘦引起了人们对其健康状况的担忧。
We are anxious to contact some British firms to acting as their selling angents.
我们深盼与英国公司商讨, 期盼成为其出售代劳商之一。
The stock market has fallen in price recently, stock investors are quite anxious.
He, of course, was very anxious that no one should disobey her, or make her angry.
自然, 他很上心不叫人逆她的愿或给她气生。
She had an anxious hour of waiting for her child and was getting even more anxious.
她焦急地等待她的孩子已有一个钟头, 并且愈等愈着急。
The foreign minister admitted he was still anxious about the situation in the country.
Anxious anxious you want you want to exclude you in the use of all equipment failures.
I have known it, I have been most anxious to acknowledge to you how gratefully I feel it.
After oil prices Luanwu crazy, anxious, anxious make the price of a few happy few worries.
油价在经历疯狂的乱舞, 急上急下的价格令几家欢喜几家愁。
The less anxious and more relaxed the learner, the better the language acquisition proceeds.
When he keeps aloof and tries to provoke a battle, he is anxious for the other side to advance
At present foreign merchant and Beijing Bei Hai consultative negotiations also in anxious advance.
Admission is anxious not to recommend, stock holdings, currency macro news, continue to wait and see.
不建议着急入场, 有股持股, 有币持币, 继续保持观望。
Today young people seem to be anxious to acquire useful knowledge to the exclusion of everything else.
当今年青人似乎急于获得有用的知识, 而摒除其他一切。
He stamped his feet like a restless pony, obviously anxious to get back to whatever he had been doing.
Contrast study of treatment for psychosomatic disease accompanied wlth melanchoilc and anxious symptoms
A businessman may be so anxious to grow rich that to this end he sacrifices health and private affections.
The announcement provoked a storm of criticism and anxious residents voiced concern over their uncertain future.
The bidding result for the continued project has not been released yet, which makes me really anxious and impatient.
The immediate reaction is for us to fall into our human tendency and instead of being anxious for nothing, we become anxious for everything!
A positive result, or even concern over an inconclusive one, can propel anxious consumers to their doctors when treatment options are still broad.

单词 anxious 释义

  • 单词释义:焦虑的,担心的;紧张的;渴望的  [更多..]



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