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单词 antwerp 例句大全,用单词antwerp造句:

When the Germans took Antwerp, the British would have to pull another Dunkirk.
一旦德军抵达安特卫普, 英国人又得来一把敦刻尔克大撤退。
An Orphan Nello lives with his kindly grandfather in the north part of Antwerp.
The paintings were unveiled during the tour of Ferdinand of Austria through Antwerp.
The domicile of the Comite Maritime International is established in Antwerp, Belgium.
The case against the author was then referred for trial at the Court of First Instance in Antwerp.
然后, 指控提交人的案件移交给了安特卫普初审法院审判。
There have been no imports from Liberia recorded in Antwerp since the imposition of the sanctions.
He sacrificed two and a half years at Royal Antwerp, which showed great patience and determination.
在安特卫普的两年半里, 他表现出了极大的耐性与决心。
So swift was the advance that the Germans did not have time to destroy the harbor facilities at Antwerp.
So swift was the advance that the Germans did not have time to destroy the harbor facilities at Antwerp.

单词 antwerp 释义

  • 单词释义:n.安特卫普(比利时省份)  [更多..]



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