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单词 antimony 例句大全,用单词antimony造句:

The Huangyanglin antimony deposit is newly discovered and is located in the hinterland of the Xinjiang Kunlun Mountains.
Fundamental Characteristic of Calcite and the Relation Between Mineralization and Calcite in Xikuangshan Antimony Deposit
Simultaneous Determination of Microamounts of Copper and Bismuth in Antimony Samples by Potentiometric Stripping Analysis
Determination of arsenic, antimony and bismuth in high purity zinc by hydride generationatomic fluorescence spectrometry
In view of this kind of situation, the antimony industry administrative office rarely had the substantive remedial treatment.
针对此种情况, 锑业管理处却鲜有实质性的补救措施。
The optimal conditions for spectrophotometric determination of antimony in crude indium with malachite green were investigated.
该方法已用于粗铟中锑含量得测定, 结果满意。
Direct Determination of Selenium and Bismuth in Antimony and Antimony Compound by Hydride GenerationAtomic Fluorescence Spectrometry
A white alloy of tin with copper, antimony, and sometimes bismuth and zinc that resembles pewter and is used in utensils and tableware.
Geological characters and genesis of Precambrian weakly metamorphosed fine clastic rock type antimony deposit in northern Guangxi Province

单词 antimony 释义



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