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单词 ancient 例句大全,用单词ancient造句:

Examples Illustrating the Great Function of Ancient Writing Materials in Interpretation of Ancient Classics
Those who excavate sites of ancient culture or ancient tombs without permission are punishable for larceny.
The abdication and Hereditary systems are the main ways of the dynastic alternation of Chinese ancient times.
Ancient culture sites and ancient tombs are important cultural trace which reflect the ancient mankind lives.
a large basin used in the ancient Jewish Temple by a priest for ablutions before making a sacrificial offering
The near provenance relation between ancient Jun porcelain and ancient Ru porcelain is preliminarily analyzed.
Ancient Submarine Forests and Strong Ancient Earthquakes in the Recent Epoch under Shenhy Bay, Fujian Province
So some ancient medical relevant knowledge of the language is the main content of the ancient ancient medical.
A large basin used in the ancient Jewish Temple by a priest for ablutions before making a sacrificial offering.
Tang will later spread until now massive ancient times ancient book, stemmed from hand of most the academician.
唐以后流传至今的大量古代典籍, 多数都出自翰林之手。
Study on Diligent Spirit and Academic Achievements of Famous Collectors of Books in Ancient Times of Our Country
The simplest example of this type is the abacus, which has been used in many parts of the world since ancient times.
On the present state of ancient lumber preservation in ancient mine remains of Tonglushan and the cause of its decay
A Verification of the Birthplace of Ancient Yelang Nation On Ancient Geographical Environment and Territory of Fuyu Nation
Huang's academic foundation is reflected in the investigation of the ancient sounds and old sayings to achieve profound mastery.
The Wrong Written Characters, Ancient and Nowadays Words, Words with Same Origins in Ancient Prose Educations in Secondary School
中专文言文中的通假字, 古今字与同源字
Guangrao is the site of the ancient state of Qi as well as the birthplace of Sun Wu, a famous military strategist in ancient China.
广饶是古代齐国的故地, 也是古代著名军事家孙武的故里。
On the relationship between the Movement of Ancient Style and the literati clan in Shandong Development in Valve of Auto Shock Absorbers
abstract Traditional Chinese Medicine, known as an ancient medical science is marked by its obscurity and difficulty in terms of theory.
中医是一门古老的医学科学, 其理论深奥晦涩, 不易把握
The third section is academic foundation of their rise. Can not be restored ancient poetry will not be able to restore the ancient truth.
The Characteristic of Education in Ancient Educational Academy and Its apocalypse on Free Education for Students in Teacher Education Program
Discussion on the achievements of ancient bibliophiles in Suzhou who preserved and passed down the ancient books by copying and transcribing books
The period of Dunhuang under the reign of The ancient tibet is the the important historical stage in Chinese and The ancient tibet esoteric buddhism exchange.
With ancient temple in remote mountains and Shaolin around green, the hero reflects the society in ancient and nowadays at the peak of mountain with roaring wind.
Distinguishing and Analysis for Ancient Crust of Weathering between Ordovician and Upper Jurassic Nearby Kazuo, over the limestone of middle Ordovician, there's an ancient crust of weathering.

单词 ancient 释义



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