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单词 cave 例句大全,用单词cave造句:

The woman holding in both hands the cutoff arm at the left bottom of No. 6 Grotto, Bilu Cave.
Illustrations to the West Paradise,Tang dynasty,cave fresco,cave 217,Mogao Grottoes,Dunhuang.
Danapati Bodhisattva, Tang dynasty, cave fresco, cave 401, Mogao grottoes, Dunhuang.
In the cave is a subterranean river on which one can sail by boat to the extremity of the cave.
The underground river consists of the Gushing Snow Cave, The Time Tunnel and The Jade Dew Cave.
An Elementary Introduction about the Present Situation and Future of Cave Architecture in China.
With a bellow of pain and anger he leaped into the air and flew off to his cave in the mountains.
The second most exciting thing for a cave explorer is to be the first one to make a map of a cave.
第二件兴奋的事情是 为岩洞绘制第一张地图。
The roof of the cave dwelling is damaged, we should mend it soon so that it won't affect production.
A Scanning Electron Microscope Study for the Alteration of Arkoses of the Yungang Cave in Datong City
The Elaborate Chinese Architecture of Pavilion,Garden House And Stone in Cave 3 of The Yulin Grottoes
Treatment of the technical puzzles that are the karsts cave, collapse, pile base karsts cave drag etc
The paper introduces a kind of blasting cave which is used for destroying abandon explosive materials.
The Elaborate Chinese Architecture of Pavilion, Garden House And Stone in Cave 3 of The Yulin Grottoes
Playing Pipa on the Back, cave fresco, on the east side of south wall, cave 110, Mogao grottoes, Dunhuang.
The Allegory of the Cave describes four stages through which a person has to pass to get a sound education.
The primary Buddha in the Lotus Cave is also Sakyamuni, with his disciples Kasyapas and Ananda by his sides.
莲花洞主佛为释迦牟尼, 旁立迦叶和阿难。
In the cave temple there are relics of cave chapels, monks domicile meditation room and Buddhist stupas etc.
At once the prefecture official sent men to detect the exact cave according to the marks made by the fisherman.
太守即遣人随其往, 寻向所志。
Widely distributed calcite and aragonite crystal in the cave passage are originated from ancient pool deposits.
The approximate analysis of strength on the straight wall arch rock cave subjected to transverse blasting loading.
In his late years, he lived in Lotus Cave on Lushan Mountain and set up Lianxi Academy where he gave lectures and planted lotus.
He is woken in the morning by the sound of a Fascist cavalry officer approaching the cave; he quickly shoots the man and alerts the other guerillas.
Halfway up Sunshine Rock is a cave known as BiShuDong or Cave to Escape Summer Heat which, discovered long long ago, is a refreshingly breezy place.
日光岩山腰有个古代发现的避暑洞, 洞里凉风习习, 十分宜人。
In a recess in the rocky cliffs behind the cataract is a cave. Lying hidden by the sheets of water cascading down, it is known as the Water Curtain Cave.

单词 cave 释义

  • 单词释义:n.洞穴,窑洞;vi.凹陷,投降;vt.挖洞,使凹陷  [更多..]



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