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单词 caution 例句大全,用单词caution造句:

They is inexperienced in business and extreme caution is advise in grant credit.
They are inexperienced in business and extreme caution is advised in grant credit.
Analysts said Wen's remarks were a coded message to Washington to exercise caution.
Executor should find caution for his due administration of the estate in his charge.
Advanced discussion ahead, tread with caution, or jump straight to the next section.
一些更高级的讨论, 请仔细阅读, 或者跳到下一节。
Apply with caution.Winch receives hundreds of applications from unsuitable candidates.
However, the low exchangeable caution of cation is one of the reason about spruce death.
Christmas is when we fling caution to the wind and spend to the limits our cash holdings.
Likewise, young adults who have been very inactive should proceed slowly and with caution.
Please check the attachment with caution before uploading a potential virus affected file.
Television broadcasters were warned to exercise caution over depicting scenes of violence.
When shopping, use caution, the sellers will do you in the eye if you are not very careful.
After getting out of the railway station, he got into a unlicensed vehicle without caution.
The Rudd Government has repeatedly called for caution by both sides in thewilds of the Antarctic.
As the firm is inexperienced in business, we advise you to excise extreme caution in your dealing.
该行缺乏贸易经验, 我们建议你们在业务来往中谨慎对待。
Caution in blasting is most important within the immediate vicinity of buildings and installations.
在十分靠近建筑物和设备的地点爆破时, 谨慎是最重要的。
With low levels of HDL, caution should be exercised, when administering fat emulsion in these children.
因高密度脂蛋白水平低, 脂肪乳剂的应用宜慎重。
Appropriate caution must be exercised in the conduct of medical research that may harm the environment.
He had, for the absolute briefest time, let wishful thinking about results overrule his scientific caution.
One thing after another interferes with your travel plans. If you choose to go anyway, proceed with caution.
I opened the oilcloth with exceptional caution, and I imagined that I was appreciating a huge commemorative stamps.
However, since a breakout above previous highs has not been seen yet, caution seems to be required in the days ahead.
然而, 由于前期高点还未突破, 未来几天仍需保持谨慎。
But caution is required when the fetter is adopted, Oxidation number is still a chemical concept for further perfection.
for, with the lofty caution of his nature, he had kept himself apart from those who might otherwise have been his companions.
他生性高傲谨慎, 总是远离那些本可能成为同伴的人。
Caution Alcohol intake may enhance nitrate effects and occasionally induce hypotension with subsequent impairment of reactivity.

单词 caution 释义

  • 单词释义:谨慎;小心;警告;告诫  [更多..]



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