would distort deeply my own capacity to be fully present to the whole catastrophe.
只会深深影响 我自己的 面对大苦难的能力
Coping with Catastrophe Power Security Risk Assessment and Emergency Disposal System
Cusp catastrophe model for analyzing the instability of beamcolumn fixed at both ends.
No catastrophe hits, but all the little things go wrong, and nothing gets accomplished.
虽然不是大灾大难但每件小事上出毛病, 什么也没干成。
Brief analysis on the destabilization of the roof bolting by means of catastrophe theory
The consequences of economic catastrophe in addition to political problems could be dire.
But there is still time to avert catastrophe, Dr. McCauley and his colleagues also found.
但我们仍有时间来避免灾难, 麦考利博士和同事还发现。
You know that colonization which people brag about today has been a historic catastrophe.
Success would be the avoidance of catastrophe, hardly an achievement that invites acclaim.
Application of cusp catastrophe model to the groundwater specific vulnerability assessment
Its response to the biggest financial catastrophe in generations has been virtual silence.
在这旷世难遇的金融灾难中, 它的反应相当静默。
The existing catastrophe bond pricing models are all based on the standard finance theory.
A Catastrophe Model for Underground Chamber Rock Burst under Lamination Spallation Bucking
We are also aware of the environmental, economic and social consequences of the catastrophe.
In my book The Dead Hand, I recount the events that led to the catastrophe, and its aftermath.
在我的死手一书中, 讲述了导致灾难的那些事件。
We live in the shadow of the apocalypse, of a catastrophe that will mean the end of the world itself.
It is not within the scope of this history to define the exact share of blame for this vast catastrophe.
Variation Property of Annual Sediment Yield of Debris Flow along Jiangjia Ravine and Catastrophe Forecast
Catastrophe analysis for disaster of mountain slope stability affected by rainfall seepage and surface crack
A Study on Catastrophe Characteristics Analysis of Heart Beating and Its Applications Based on Electrobiology
That will be the beginning of the worst catastrophe that will ever have befallen the human beings and the Earth.
This year the village has suffered a serious water logging catastrophe. The common people have had heavy losses.
The evacuation plans came against a background of mounting concern over the possibility of a nuclear catastrophe.
Hes created an increasing level of anxiety and catastrophe with this, but that fifth seal theres kind of a digression.
It is not alarmism to refer to the old saying"that a little fish worm can damage a dyke". Neglect of details may lead to catastrophe.