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单词 cauliflower 例句大全,用单词cauliflower造句:

training is everything. the peach was once a bitter almond cauliflower is.
That cauliflower ear is a sure sign that he was once a professional boxer.
The thing of fullblown cauliflower shape in esophagus, be esophagus cancer.
Effect of shading on curd growth and antioxidant system in early cauliflower.
Add the cauliflower florets, carrots and mushrooms, stir fry them for 1 minute.
把花菜, 胡萝卜片, 和香菇放入翻炒一分钟。
Excellent baking tray. Try baked brinjol, broccoli, cauliflower, romanesco, etc.
优质的烤锅。可香烤茄子, 芥蓝花, 包菜花或宝塔菜等。
These bumps are usually cauliflower looking and could be seen in small clusters.
Seedling Culturing and Transplanting Technique of Fall Cauliflower in Greenhouse
Broccoli and cauliflower are among the most nutritions nutritious vegetables, they.
Broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage are all part of the Cruciferous vegetable family.
I find the very sight of raw broccoli and cauliflower on a buffet table dispiriting.
Cauliflower simple cooking, prevention of breast cancer, stomach cancer, rectal cancer.
花椰菜简单烹调, 预防乳癌, 胃癌, 直肠癌。
Study on Effect of Cauliflower Economic Yield and Quality Balanced Fertilization with NPK
Broccoli can also be called green cauliflower. It is belong to Cruciferae, cabbage category.
Treating 2 Cases of Cauliflower Excrescence with Traditional Chinese Drug Combined with Laser
Shop Kam cauliflower fields, cattle and sheep grazing, farming households Taohong , Madadayo smoke.
田野里菜花铺锦, 牛羊放牧, 农家户桃红柳绿, 炊烟袅袅。
Boil hot Wash cauliflower cut into small pieces, boil in hot boiling water picked up after the drain.
汆烫白花椰菜切小块洗净, 以滚水汆烫后捞起沥干。
There also is purple cauliflower, its color caused by the presence of the antioxidant group anthocyanin.
还有紫色菜花, 其颜色是由于抗氧化剂的存在而形成的。
Establishment of rabbit models of cauliflower ear and effect of triamcinolone acetonide on their auricles
Potatoes and cauliflower tend to turn brown when boiling, especially when youre having company for dinner.
to Mang cauliflower, Aegiceras hidden in a sweater, feathers, the view that clothing can choose not to bore
把莽菜花, 桐花藏在毛衣, 羽衣内, 认为衣服可以不蛀
Application on Climate Background Analysis for Weather Forecasting of Cauliflower Festival in Shanghai Fengxian
Industry Processing of agricultural products Dehydrated vegetables Frozen vegetables Bamboo class Cauliflower class.
Research on Climatic Adaptability of the Cauliflower living Through the Winter and the Technology of Disaster Recovery
Arrange cooked cauliflower flowerets in the prepared baking dish, season with salt and freshly ground pepper, and cover with Bechamel.
将花椰菜放进烤盘, 洒上适量盐和胡椒, 倒入白汁。

单词 cauliflower 释义



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