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单词 canvass 例句大全,用单词canvass造句:

Heilongjiang concerning canvass business to lead a propertyWho infringe upon investor, who be the convict of the people.
黑龙江关于招商引资谁侵犯投资者, 谁就是人民的罪人。
A report will be prepared for the information of the coroner, a canvass is also being conducted in the neighbourhood, he said.
验尸官会出具报告, 在案发附件也正在进行地毯式搜查。
Fushi Chenzhou Ecological Industrial Park is endeavoring to attract more supporting projects by taking business to canvass business.

单词 canvass 释义

  • 单词释义:(在政治方面)游说;调查意见;为讨论而提出(意见等);详细检查  [更多..]



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