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单词 capital 例句大全,用单词capital造句:

The human capital investment contributes more to economic growth than the material capital investment.
The Compact Inosculation Modes of Technology Capital of Science Research Institution and Industry Capital
On Innovation in Operation of the Internal Floating Capital and Fixed Capital of Colleges and Universities
The capital paid in by stockholders is regarded as permanent capital, not ordinarily subject to withdrawal.
Due to the indiscreet appropriation for capital construction, the company was running out of working capital.
由于基建拨款不成熟, 公司的营运资金日渐匮乏。
Allocating hypothetical capital for internal control purposes to each section within the scope of total capital.
Develop Folk Customs in the Ancient Capital of Southern Song Dynasty and Build Hangzhou into the Leisure Capital
Impact of Institutional Changes on the Role of Human Capital and Physic Capital in the Process of Economic Growth
On the New Trend of the Free Flow of International Capital and the Strategy of Attracting Foreign Capital For China
Distinctly Analyze the Target of Invested and Absorbed Capital, Improve the Benefits of Invested and Absorbed Capital
The stock dividends and the capital in cash extension increases the capital stock form existence obvious vicariousness.
Detroit is known as the automobile capital of the world.Omaha is known as the agricultural capital of the United states.
A certificate of its credit worthiness, a certificate of the verification of its capital or a guarantee for its capital.
The bureaucratic capital is one of the main capital sources to help salt merchants gain fame and fortune in Qing Dynasty.
Therefore, when the real estate capital tax rate increases, employment will increase and capital requirement will reduce.
因此, 当房地产资本税率增加时, 就业增加, 资本需求减少。
A rational attitude should be taken to capital inflow and different strategies should be adopted to attract foreign capital.
应当理性对待资本流入, 适时改变引资战略。
After reduction of the capital, the amount of the companys registered capital shall not be less than the statutory minimum.
The theoretical game analysis of exchange arbitrage, interest arbitrage and illegal capital flows versus capital account control.
Capital inflow shall be recorded as a credit item,while capital outflow shall be recorded as a debit item in the capital account.
On the Climatic Factor in Determining Chang An and Luo Yang as the Capital and the Alternate Capital Respectively in the Tang Dynasty
唐代长安, 洛阳作为都城和陪都的气候原因
Article 16 The registered capital of a company shall be the total amount of the capital stock registered with the registration organ.
And the holding structure in the capital manipulation makes the leverage effect for the company control the bigger asset with small capital.
在资本运作中的控股形式, 则达到以少控多的杠杆作用。
The Appellation's Change of East Capital Official Post in the Early Stage of Tang Dynasty and the Development Arteries of East Capital Organism
Fixed bug that gave Russian players capital plunder bonus when their own capital was sacked, as well as the attacking player. Only the attacker gets it now.
Today, as increasing numbers of disaffected Bangkok residents abandon the chaotic capital for the relative serenity of the north, the country's second-largest city is enjoying a mini renaissance.

单词 capital 释义

  • 单词释义:首都,省会,中心;资本;(借款等)本金;大写字母;柱顶  [更多..]



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