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单词 cardiff 例句大全,用单词cardiff造句:

Belinda was born in Cardiff maternity hospital and her family were industrious workingclass people.
贝琳达出生在加的夫妇产医院, 她的家人都是工薪阶层。
This stenciled piece appeared overnight, in Cardiff, England, before being painted over the next day.
Shawcross is expected to make his Stoke debut in their opening game of the season at Cardiff on Saturday.
Cardiff boss Dave Jones may be secretly cheering on Lionel Messi and his mates tonight to do him a special favour.
It was fungi that allowed plants to move onto land around 600 million years ago, explained Professor Lynn Boddy, a mycologist at the Cardiff School of Biosciences.

单词 cardiff 释义

  • 单词释义:n.加的夫(威尔士之主要海港)  [更多..]



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