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单词 canteen 例句大全,用单词canteen造句:

In our west side of campus, canteen side, there is a small green.
在我们校园的西北侧, 食堂边, 有一片小小的绿地。
A studentrun canteen adds an artistic touch to the town of Luchow.
学生自己经营的冷饮店, 为芦洲小镇增添不少艺术气息。
Public bus fees have not been available, had a trip to the canteen.
公巴费还没有着落, 只好往饭堂跑一趟。
Do you agree that the canteen have a negative effect on your health?
I worked at a large publishing company and ate lunch in the canteen.
Canteen downstairs in Xiaoge its chimney opposite the attic windows.
I have to admit that there isn't any choice of dishes in the canteen.
To administer tenders and contracts for operating the college canteen.
I have some complaints to make about the canteen service on the campus.
The auntie in the canteen gives too much meat to the guy in front of you
The auntie in the canteen then felt regret, she gives you much less meat
然后阿姨后悔了, 少给了你很多
It is available for rent the office buliding,dormitory, canteen ect.
MAIN PRODUCTS Starch environment protective dish ware, canteen and bowl.
淀粉环保餐具, 饭盒, 碟汤碗。
Billie Great. But what are you doing here We never see you in the canteen.
Give advice to management on Companyhygiene, especially kitchen and canteen.
There is the library. And that is the canteen. I like the canteen very much!
The only place that you can get a beer in future is in the canteen, at lunch.
禁酒令说以后只能在午餐时间喝啤酒, 工人对此非常愤怒。
I go up to the canteen is the first and the third canteen, I was a northerner.
Public kitchen, Including the refrigerator, the microwave oven and burn the canteen.
公用的厨房, 包括冰箱, 微波炉和烧水壶。
Be responsible for administrative affairs in terms of workplace, canteen, security etc.
Laying the tables in the canteen before the dinner break is just the calm before the storm.
And he told me I could go to the canteen to get paste, he had arranged well with the kitchen.
临走时说, 糨子到伙房去打, 他已经跟炊事员说好了。
Food is too expensive, prices have dropped, canteen should be an appropriate price adjustment.
An electrothermal canteen belongs to food storage container technology field. It includes canteen body.
电热饭盒, 属于食物存放容器技术领域。
In connection with the planning of recreation facilities, the competent authority should give consideration to the provision of a canteen.

单词 canteen 释义

  • 单词释义:食堂;餐厅;水壶;餐具盒  [更多..]



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