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单词 captivate 例句大全,用单词captivate造句:

Now you have everything you need go out there and captivate your audience of buyers.
现在你有了一切, 你需要走出去迷住你顾客得心。
Speaking slow and with conviction will captivate the audience and leave them wanting more.
语速放慢, 真实可信能引起听众的注意, 并让他们更想听下去。
I would captivate them with money before telling them that we needed to deforest their land.
Of all the shocking things we saw that day, perhaps the most shocking was a Samsung Captivate.
画面很美, 只不过没有其他游戏那么让人着迷罢了。
And for this, thou who art the King of kings hast decked thyself in beauty to captivate my heart.
Crowds of attractions along the riverBanks and the Beautiful legends aBout them captivate tourists.
沿岸名胜古迹众多, 传说优美, 富有魅力。
This complete, unabridged edition promises to captivate countless new readers with its timeless appeal.
由此, 也可以窥见作家对自然, 纯朴天性的热情召唤。
Your unique and inventive way of approaching romance will play a major role in which partners attention you captivate this week.

单词 captivate 释义

  • 单词释义:迷住,迷惑;<古>逮捕  [更多..]



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