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单词 captain 例句大全,用单词captain造句:

When the fire got out of control, the captain told the sailors to abandon ship.
火势无法控制得时候, 船长吩咐水手弃船逃生。
The landlady wanted to complain, but she was in abject terror of the captain.
The captain ordered passengers and crews crew to abandon ship about an hour later.
大约一小时后, 船长下令乘客与船员弃船逃走。
The sailors refused to obey their captain so they were turned adrift on the ocean.
Captain Brian We advise you to keep that seat belt fastened in case of turbulence.
Youre a pilot, Captain Stone. In your opinion, would this glider be. airworthy
Now Peter Pan is the captain. Hes the captain of the boat. Hooray for Captain Pan!
One team captain will throw the coin in the air, while the other team captain calls.
另一队队长要求时, 该队的队长会把硬币抛向空中。
The captain ordered passengers included and crew to abandon ship about an hour later.
一小时后, 船长命令乘客和船员弃船。
In the room afterwards the captain of the mammals was chatting to the insect captain.
We learned from those jumbles that the captain hadnt given orders to abandon the ship.
At the time of the descent, the two copilots and captain were in the aircraft cockpit.
For the designer and the captain of Titanic it's a timing to praise their achievements.
You are quite mad captain. You are reckless and headstrong and and I adore you, captain.
The captain order ordered passengers incurs and crew to abandon ship about an hour later.
一小时后, 船长组织乘客以小队方式弃船。
So he gave the wonderful ring to the captain of the ship as an advance on his commission.
因此, 他就把这只美丽的戒指当作预付佣金, 送给船长。
When the fullback refused to obey the captain, the captain said he would have none of that.
The capitain captain ordered passengers and crew to abandon abandon ship about an hour later.
He was supposed to captain the football team until his leg was broken in a motorcycle accident.
Because the injured captain John Terry, Rio Ferdinand will continue to wear the captain armband.
Since there was no way to save the ship and its cargo, the captain issued the order to abandon ship.
眼见拯救船只是和船上货物无望, 船长发出了弃船令。
There's a lot I want to say about Captain Ozone and his experimental forms of environmental activism.
Captain James Cook was a British explorer who ultimately rose to the rank of Captain in the Royal Navy.
The captain who shot down the aircraft, has been awarded a medal for"exceptionally meritorious conduct".
The vice captain leads the team when the captain is ill. As soon as the roll had been called, the leader told the men to fall out.
队长有病时, 副队长领队。一点过名, 队长就让士兵们原地解散。

单词 captain 释义

  • 单词释义:船长,机长;上尉,上校;队长,组长  [更多..]



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